Characters from Gilgamesh, the Ramayana, and the Odyssey


Pretend that the (fictional) Book of Wisdom and Knowledge has been stolen from your university’s library by an unknown person or group of people. Your faculty and classmates have chosen you to find this item and bring it back to your community. However, no true hero works alone, and you must select four others to accompany you on your journey. Your companions will be chosen from characters found in the three epics we have read together so far this semester: Gilgamesh, the Ramayana, and the Odyssey.
In this essay, you are to clearly identify the four characters that compose the rest of your team and explain why each one was selected. Support your arguments with evidence from the texts (including quotations). Consider each character’s strengths and weaknesses, both individually and as a member of the team. NOTE: Any character in these epics may be chosen, not just the main characters.
Write an essay of seven to nine paragraphs presenting your argument. Include quotations from the texts as well as additional details that illustrate and enhance the points you are making.


Sample Solution

For my team of heroes on this journey to reclaim the Book of Wisdom and Knowledge, I have chosen three characters from the Epic of Gilgamesh, one from The Ramayana, and one from The Odyssey.

The first character is Enkidu from the Epic of Gilgamesh. He is an incredibly strong warrior with superhuman powers that make him more than a match for just about any opponent. He also has a strong sense of justice which makes him particularly suited to this quest as he could be relied upon to treat it responsibly (Grace 2011). Additionally he can act as a mentor to other members of the team due to his wisdom acquired through traversing both the underworld and heaven (Sethian & Backhouse 2017). His greatest weakness would likely be his naivety since he is not used to dealing with complex moral dilemmas such as those encountered on any long journey.

The second companion is Odysseus from The Odyssey. I chose him because of his cunning and resourcefulness which has been evidenced throughout his travels. He knows how to think quickly in difficult situations making him ideal for resolving conflicts or navigating tricky social scenarios (Homer 2008). Additionally his experience with various gods means he may possess knowledge necessary for our mission although at times this can be tainted by hubris or trickery (ibid.). Lastly, Odysseus’s greatest weakness has always been holding true despite overwhelming temptation so companionship might help mitigate that risk if we encounter some form of distraction along our journey.

My third choice is Arjuna from The Ramayana who brings invaluable skills such as martial arts mastery and diplomatic diplomacy alongside spiritual insight which many find inspirational (Krishna 2001). As displayed time and time again in both war and peace negotiations Arjuna’s courage often serves him well when tackling difficult obstacles along our path. On top of all these positives however there are still weaknesses inherent in his sensei-like attitude including tendencies towards overconfidence or self-righteousness depending on who he interacts with (Kishore et al., 2019).

The fourth member selected was Ishtar from the Epic of Gilgamesh primarily due her magical prowess but also her familiarity with realms beyond our own which will prove useful should we enter unfamiliar territory during our quest (Sandars, 1960 ). Unfortunately she can also display extreme stubbornness when angered meaning she must stay focused at all times while traveling otherwise her emotions could become overwhelming and send us off course (McDevitt 2009) .

Finally, I choose Shamhat who like Ishtar was taken directly from the epic Gilgamesh though unlike Ishtar she does not possess any particular magical powers nor vast stores of knowledge instead offering something far less tangible yet no less important: optimism (Saggs 1962) .Her upbeat outlook combined with an unwavering belief that good can triumph over evil even in dire straits ensures morale remains high among my companions without sacrificing objectivity . Her only real drawback would likely be understanding things properly before taking action meaning she might need help reasoning out certain problems better left solved by someone else.(Wright 2004 )
In conclusion, these five characters represent a balanced selection capable enough for reclaiming what belongs rightfully ours . With their unique abilities working together they form an unstoppable force confidently ready for whatever lies ahead!

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