Charlie Chaplin The Gold Rush



Write a three to five paragraph reaction to the film you choose to watch. Include a brief synopsis of the plot, whether you have ever watched a silent film before, and your general impressions of the film.


Sample Solution

HR practices being in place within the organisation to achieve the business goals of becoming an industry leader within the recruitment industry.

Within GCS, their recruitment and selection process is to hire individuals that possess the criteria they believe that a successful recruitment consultant should have from an interview based selection process. This includes traits such as they should “have a great memory” as well as being “energetic and enthusiastic but also resilient” and they also need to be “assertive” (King, Chung, & Hunter, 2014). When hiring, GCS would look for these skills as they believed if they were to hire individuals with the desired skillset already, it can decrease the amount they will need to spend on training and development of the employees. The specific recruitment and selection process can allow GCS to achieve their HRM goals as well as their business strategy to become the recruitment industry leaders. In spite of saving costs on training and development, their recruitment and selection process could lead to the firm not hiring people that could be beneficial in the long term.

GCS also has a strong presence of reward systems within their organisation, as “Working at GCS: You are your numbers” (King, Chung & Hunter, 2014). GCS believes that all results should be publically announced, success or failure. GCS also hold quarterly business meetings where all recruitment consultant’s performance’s are ranked. Those who have raised £1m for GCS are eligible for the exclusive “millionaires club” dinner with Chris and the other millionaires. (King, Chung & Hunter, 2014). The “millionaires club” is a way in which Chris & GCS reward the recruitment consultants who are making money and allowing the business to grow. This is a form of motivation as Chris believes that the “best recruitment consultants” were less motivated for deals that “paid them less” (King, Chung & Hunter, 2014). The motivation is that the individuals will want to achieve and close deals in order to become part of the

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