Chemical reaction in the crystallization of sulfanilamide


What is the chemical reaction in the crystallization of sulfanilamide with 95% ethyl alcohol? The Sulfanilamide has 5% fluorenone as an impurity.

Sample Solution

Most of the studies mainly focus on the co-crystallization step rather than on the synthesis and co-crystallization together. Based on the concept of direct co-crystal assembly, we have successfully produced 1:1 co-crystals of sulfathiazole-theophylline (STZ-THE) and 1:1 co-crystals of sulfathiazole-sulfanilamide (STZ-SNM) by integrating the chemical synthesis and co-crystallization. Interestingly, the yields of the integration method were higher than the ones of normal reactive crystallization methods, and the amount of purities were also reduced. For the chemical reaction that suffered from the low yields or had the impurity which was hard to be separated, the formation of co-crystals might be an alternative strategy to improve the efficiency of purification and the value of drugs as well.

e Coronavirus (otherwise known as SARS COVID-19) is a mutation of the Coronaviruses, which is a respiratory disease that commonly affects birds and mammals, and in this mutation, humans, however, in the last 70 years, scientists have found that it can infect animals such as mice, rats, cats, dogs, turkey, horse, pig and cattle. Most recently, the coronavirus has spread to humans, which has spread rapidly and become a global epidemic.

Cause of Disease:

As mentioned above, the coronavirus is part of the coronavirus family, except the virus we all know is caused by a member of the coronavirus that is new to scientists, in the sense that it has not been encountered before. Like the others in this family, it comes from animals, and the similarities stop here. Many of those that were infected initially either worked or shopped in the Huanan seafood wholesale market in Wuhan, China. We know that this disease was transmitted from animal to human however are unsure exactly how.

Modes of Infection:

After the initial cases, the infection can be transmitted from person to person, through contact with droplets of bodily fluids. As this is a respiratory disease, the main contributors to this are coughing and sneezing, touching an infected persons hands or face, or by touching things that an infected person has touched and then putting your hands anywhere near your face, and especially mouth.

Major Symptoms

A Coronavirus is a respiratory illness, and therefore shares symptoms of other respiratory illnesses such as bronchitis. Some of these symptoms are; a mild cough, shortness of breath, a runny nose, a sore throat, a headache and a fever. There is no known cure for Coronavirus, and no antibiotics work on the virus.

Why the Body Reacts to Coronavirus in The Way It Does:

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