“Chestnut Ridge Country Club”

Question 1 (25 points)

Please read the case “chestnut Ridge Country Club” and answer the following questions.

1. Overall, how does Chestnut Ridge compare to the other three country clubs (Alden, Chalet, and Lancaster)? (5 points)

2. In what areas might Chestnut Ridge consider making improvements to attract additional members? (10 points)

3. What kind of research design is being used (exploratory, descriptive or causal research design)? Is it a good choice? (You have to provide a clear rationale (10 points).

Sample Solution

was sent to a lot of places by many different ways. they would use animals, like birds or hogs to send the gunpowder. Then they used it to put on arrows wrapped in paper or bamboo. They also would put it in craights then on carts and set it on fire to use as a giant bomb. Then later the Chinese used it for what was called a “hand cannon” which was the first recorded gun. (Whips, 2008).

The first recorded use of a firearm was in 1364. It was a hand gun called a “hand cannons.”(see appendix C)

Only 14 years later hand cannons made it to Europe. Early 1400’s they discovered how to change the way they were fired. They started using a string and setting it on fire near where the gunpowder was kept. Wicks (candle) were now attached to a clamp that sprang into gunpowder that was placed in a “flash pan”.(Bellis, 2015)

In Europe, they made the matchlock;(see appendix D) which uses a bar to ignite the powder. By the 1500’s they made the hammer pin that strikes a pin and creates a spark to shoot the bullet. The Europeans used this methode for centries. While the Chinese were still using their hand cannons. The evolution of firearms has de

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