Child abuse and maltreatment


Child abuse and maltreatment is not limited to a particular age—it can occur in the infant, toddler, preschool, and school-age years. Choose one of the four age groups and outline the types of abuse most commonly seen among children of that age. Describe warning signs and physical and emotional assessment findings the nurse may see that could indicate child abuse. Discuss cultural variations of health practices that can be misidentified as child abuse. Describe the reporting mechanism in your state and nurse responsibilities related to the reporting of suspected child abuse.



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The Morality of Whistleblowing

TransCanada Corporation is an organization situated in Calgary, Alberta that represents considerable authority in the structure and activity of vitality framework in North America. [1] Evan Vokes is a previous TransCanada engineer that documented a conventional grumbling to the National Energy Board of Canada against his boss on May first, 2011 [2]. The composed grievance, “raised worries about the competency of some pipeline auditors and the organization’s absence of consistence with welding guidelines set by the National Energy Board (NEB), the government vitality industry controller” [3]. Prior to documenting the composed grievance to the NEB, Vokes endeavored to tackle the issue inside by transferring his worries to various venture supervisors, the VP of activities, and the CEO Russ Girling, however felt as if his grumblings were in effect generally overlooked by the upper administration staff [2]. In October 2012, Vokes broadcasted his worries about TransCanada’s rebelliousness in a CBC News examination and in the end proceeded to affirm before the Canadian Senate in 2013 [4][5]. Because of the charges presented by Vokes, TransCanada representative Shawn Howard expressed, “We take extraordinary exemption to the cases by Mr. Vokes that we don’t pay attention to security and consistence issues” [6]. TransCanada likewise asserted that the vast majority of the worries brought by Vokes up in his grievance were found during audit process and were tended to as needs be [7]. Evan Vokes was terminated from TransCanada on May 8, 2011 [2]. In this exposition, the profound quality of the demonstration of whistleblowing taken by Evan Vokes, will be assessed under the ethical focal points of Kant’s obligation morals and guideline utilitarianism.

Kant’s obligation morals centers around the possibility that an activity will be made a decision as ethically right dependent on the demonstration itself and overlooks the results of that demonstration [8]. Kant proposes that individuals settle on choices dependent on proverbs, the emotional rules that administer your expectations [8]. Kantian morals expresses that a demonstration is ethically right on the off chance that it is performed with sincere goals, known as cooperative attitude [8]. Carrying on of positive attitude means acting as per your obligation, playing out a demonstration since it is controlled by the ethical law [9]. In Kantian morals, the key standard of profound quality is known as the categorial goal, which is the target approach to test whether your abstract explanation behind accomplishing something, your adage, is good [9]. An adage can be tried against the categorial basic using the universalization test, the unfortunate chore test, and the independence test. The universalization test envisions an existence where your adage is utilized and acknowledged all around. You at that point must choose whether you can reasonably follow up on your proverb in this new world, and whether you would sanely live in this new world. The necessary chore test expresses that others can’t be dealt with basically an unfortunate obligation. You can’t regard other individuals as instruments for our own personal responsibility to finish this assessment. The last test is the self-rule test, which expresses that your proverb is treated as an enacting part in the all inclusive kingdom [8]. This test implies that your saying can’t remove the self-rule of someone else however should regard them as a person.

So as to decide if Evan Vokes acted ethically directly by whistleblowing through the perspective of Kantian morals, his saying must be contrasted with the downright goal. As per Vokes, he turned into an informant since, “Proficient specialists have an obligation of consideration to society.” [4], this was his proverb. For the universalization test, it is reasonable that you could will into law the saying that individuals have an obligation to think about society. A reality where specialists thought about society and settled on choices dependent on that care, would prompt an a lot more secure world for everybody. For the unfortunate obligation test, it must be seen that Vokes endeavored to adhere to inside procedures before opening up to the world about his worries. Vokes turned out poorly the media or NEB to promote his profession or mental self view, however to secure the general public he thought could be hurt. He settled on this decision realizing that it could antagonistically influence his vocation, demonstrating that he didn’t regard the organization as a necessary chore. For the self-rule test, by adhering to inner procedures Vokes didn’t damage the self-sufficiency of his bosses by whistleblowing. He allowed his bosses the chance to address the issue inside before informing the managing office. By breezing through each of the three tests, it is inferred that Vokes acted ethically by whistleblowing as indicated by Kantian morals.

General utilitarianism recommends that an activity is ethically right if the excess of the outcomes of that activity is more prominent than that of the elective choices. Results in utilitarianism are estimated regarding joy, prosperity, or inclination fulfillment and is considered for everybody that is influenced [10]. The principle thought of guideline utilitarianism is that the profound quality of activities can be controlled by whether they are as per an ethical standard. Guidelines are good on the off chance that they would create the more great results than different standards on the off chance that they were generally applied to society [10].

So as to decide if Vokes’ whistleblowing was ethically directly through the perspective of standard utilitarianism, the standard of “Proficient designers have an obligation of consideration to society.” [4] must be assessed. A standard where designers play out their work with the security and care of society consistently as a primary concern, would bring about the most secure practices conceivable in all circumstances. Applying the particular demonstration of whistleblowing to this standard, the anticipation of flawed building practice that can prompt calamitous disappointment would be important to think about society. The great outcomes that would result from a widespread law of expert designers thinking about society would intensely exceed the awful outcomes. Through the viewpoint of guideline utilitarianism, the demonstration of whistleblowing by Evan Vokes was ethically right.

Both Kantian morals and standard utilitarian morals are viable devices in examining whether an activity is ethically right. Kantian morals recommends whether the activity is good a direct result of the activity, while rule utilitarian morals utilizes the outcomes of explicit standards to choose ethical quality. Vokes’ whistleblowing was ethically appropriate as per Kantian morals since his saying of “Proficient architects have an obligation of consideration to society.” [4] and his choice to adhere to inner procedures before open declaration breezed through the straight out basic tests. Vokes’ whistleblowing was ethically appropriate as per rule utilitarianism in light of the fact that an existence where expert specialists act with an obligation of consideration to society will prompt more great result than terrible. All in all, Evan Vokes’ whistleblowing was moral concerning both Kantian and rule utilitarianism morals.


[1] “Conveying vitality capably,” TransCanada – Home. [Online]. Accessible: [Accessed: 07-Feb-2019].

[2] “Le conseil des canadiens,” Water | The Council of Canadians. [Online]. Accessible: [Accessed: 07-Feb-2019].

[3] “Informant constrained examination of TransCanada Pipelines | CBC News,” CBCnews, 17-Oct-2012. [Online]. Accessible: constrained examination of-transcanada-pipelines-1.1146204. [Accessed: 07-Feb-2019].

[4] “TransCanada informant’s objections approved by NEB | CBC News,” CBCnews, 26-Feb-2014. [Online]. Accessible: s-grumblings approved by-neb-1.2550175. [Accessed: 07-Feb-2019].

[5] J. Dermansky, “Informant Evan Voke’s Evidence Against TransCanada Whitewashed By Regulators,” Truthout, 10-Mar-2014. [Online]. Accessible: evan-vokes-proof against-transcanada-whitewashed-by-controllers/. [Accessed: 07-Feb-2019].

[6] L. Peeples, “Huge Pipeline Operator’s Business ‘Is Organized Crime,’ Whistleblower Says,” The Huffington Post, 11-Jun-2013. [Online]. Accessible: pipeline_n_3415701.html. [Accessed: 07-Feb-2019].

[7] M. D. Souza, N. Banerjee, B. Berwyn, B. Berwyn, N. Kusnetz, D. Gearino, D. Gearino, J. Bruggers, G. Gustin, B. Berwyn, G. Gustin, J. H. C. Jr., M. D. Souza, M. D. Souza, and M. D. Souza, “Did TransCanada Try to Discredit a Pipeline Safety Whistleblower?,” InsideClimate News, 03-Sep-2018. [Online]. Accessible: ruin pipeline-security informant. [Accessed: 07-Feb-2019].

[8] R. Johnson and A. Cureton, “Kant’s Moral Philosophy,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 07-Jul-2016. [Online]. Accessible: [Accessed: 08-Feb-2019].

[9] E. Westacott, E. Westacott, and Alfred University, “What You Should Know About Kant’s Ethics in a Nutshell,” thoughtco. [Online]. Accessible: moral-theory immanuel-kant-4045398. [Accessed: 08-Feb-2019].



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