Child Development Analysis

One way of exploring issues related to child development is by analyzing media aimed at children. In the themes and conflicts of a children’s movie, you should be able to identify issues related to relationships, negotiating diversity, coping with crisis, and other developmental tasks relevant to your professional practice.
Successful completion of this paper should demonstrate a proficiency in the following
• Apply critical thinking to engage in analysis of quantitative and qualitative research methods and research findings.
• (Engage) (Assess) (Intervene) (Evaluate). Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment, person-in-environment, and other multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks with clients and constituencies.
Choose and view a children’s movie of your choice, with a rating of G or PG only. Then analyze the movie using the provided prompts. Remember to review the prompts carefully before you begin watching the movie.
Paper Instructions
For this paper, analyze the movie using the following prompts:
• Provide a brief summary of the movie including the following:
o The name of the movie.
o The year of its release.
o The movie’s rating, remembering that you should select a movie with a G or PG rating.
o The themes or messages of the film.
o The developmental age group that this film targets.
• Consider the developmental age group you have identified as the target for this movie and complete the following:
o Discuss the developmental task or crisis that is connected to this age group. One example may be autonomy versus shame and doubt.
o Discuss the developmental tasks identified through theory, including chronological, physical, behavioral, and mental tasks.
o How the film facilitates or inhibits the developmental tasks of the stage.
• Discuss how the chosen movie demonstrates the developmental tasks you have identified.
o Provide an example of how this is displayed. How does the movie depict the resolution of this psychosocial crisis? For example, if looking at autonomy versus shame and doubt, how does the character move from shame and doubt to the task of autonomy.
• Discuss the diversity issues the movie addresses. Include gender, race, class, ethnicity, sexuality, culture, spirituality, physical disabilities, and other relevant points of diversity as demonstrated in the movie.
o Provide examples of the messages the movie provides about at least two diversity concepts that were relevant in the film.
• Discuss the key concepts of relationships between adults and children in relation to developmental theories of the age group you have identified.
o Provide an example of how the movie addressed relationships between adults and children.
• Provide a summary of how this paper impacts your social work practice.
o Did you develop a new understanding of childhood development, theory, relationships, or culture?
o What are some examples of how you will integrate your understanding of child development into your practice?

Sample Solution

The Fantasies of Don Quixote

Wear Quixote dream Don Quixote lives in a brilliant knights world. The soul of the knight impacts individuals’ lives. Toward the finish of the gallantry, Don Quixote stresses cross-segments of Spanish life, musings, and feelings. Wear Quixote is known as the best novel on the planet and can not be contrasted and different books. Wear Quijote was supposed to be a pleasant individual to pass judgment on extortion, idiocy, vanity, phony and dishonesty.The valiant man was conceived in an appalling image of his age (Putnan, 15 years of age).

At the character level, the novel shows numerous double resistance – insight and frenzy, truth and fantasy. Wear Quixote is the legend and speaks to the absence of intelligence. In the wake of perusing the narrative of the adoration for Cavaliers, he lost his own understanding and started to absorb the universe of knights, ladies and fiends. He accepts that the sentimental story of the knight is a “valid” history, and that the job of that knight existed previously. For him, Amurdis of Gaur, Orlando, Lancelot are “genuine” chronicled figures. Thusly, what is viewed as dream and novel by others is considered “genuine” and “genuine” by Don Quijote. For Don Quixote, genuine and practical things are awesome, so they are absent. Affected by fantasy – its embodiment implies nonattendance – he sees that nobody else is focusing. For him, the windmill is the goliath, the herd is the military, Aldonza Lorenzo, the young lady inside the town is the princess Dulcinea.

There are fundamentally two various types of Castile in Don Quixote. The old Castile is just Don Quixote, yet the remainder of the characters talk contemporary Spanish. The old Castilla of Don Quixote is a comical asset – he duplicated the language utilized in his insane knight’s books; ordinarily he can not grasp him due to his language when he spoke It is excessively old. This diversion impact is presently difficult to peruse, as the peruser must have the option to recognize the two old adaptations of the language, yet individuals will turn out to be exceptionally acclaimed once the book is distributed. (English interpretation can be acknowledged by letting Don Quixote utilize King James Bible or Shakespeare English, and even Middle English.)

See another book dependent on the soul of Cavaliers – Don Quixote. Wear Quixote was distributed by Miguel de Cervantes in 1605. This story records the longing to be a knight – Don Quixote – and his craving for the quest for the knight. His concern is that he has no celebrated work to begin with. Not at all like the old stories he read, he doesn’t have a stronghold to extend or a princess to spare. Troy Helen can not save. I can not blockade Troy’s town. So this book wound up turning into an anecdote about this stupid – wear Quixote – and his deceptive conduct

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