Christopher Columbus

How did Christopher Columbus perceive and describe the land and people he encountered when he arrived in the Western Hemisphere? Based on the information provided by Lockhart, Cook, and others, what is so peculiar about Columbus’ misconceptions of the native inhabitants of the island that came to be known by the Spanish as “Hispaniola?” How do his ideas, and even the notion of him “discovering” the so-called “New World,” relate to the concept of the social construction of race and culture in the Americas? Has this discussion affected your understanding of Columbus and the idea of celebrating his legacy?

Also elucidate on how the subjectivity and rhetorical style of the respective colonial accounts addressed in the prompts below expose the material interests of colonialism (i.e. gold, land, religious converts, tobacco, sugar, etc.).

Sample Solution



Little may one know about Christopher Columbus, other than the fact that “Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 The Italian explorer was a determined to prove that geographical regions do exists beyond European. His navigation landed him in the Americas where he discovered the most beautiful land he had ever seen. This paper analyses the perception and description of the land of Western Hemisphere.

Significant Causes of Stress Among Students

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Being an undergrad is frequently viewed as the best time of life. In any case, from a specific perspective, it is likewise one of the most troublesome periods in the life of an individual; the explanation behind this is the absence of experience, maximalism, treatment from grown-ups, desires, etc. School is an ideal pressure condition, as it as a rule fuses various significant pressure factors, and tosses it at an understudy at the same time.

School green beans are, maybe, the most powerless classification of understudies. This is because of the way that they face the social difficulties that include leaving their entire help structure behind—companions, guardians, old neighborhood, propensities. Rookies need to make new informal organizations, manage taking care of their issues all alone without guardians’ help, etc. Normally, this prompts pressure. Furthermore, terrible flat mates, their schoolwork load, low maintenance occupations, and managing the elements of youthful grown-up connections is unimaginably hard for individuals in their high school years (About Health).

Way of life is likewise one of the main considerations causing worry in understudies. At whatever point we state “understudy life,” we generally infer unfortunate dietary patterns, late night parties, liquor, an absence of stay in bed favor of broad considering and social movement, etc. There is no uncertainty this adversely influences the physical (and mental) strength of understudies. Ceaseless weariness makes understudies feel depletion, and adversely impacts their exhibition or participation in class. They have less vitality for scholarly activities, and may decide to skip classes or do schoolwork less altogether, which can turn into an extra pressure factor all alone (

Poor work and need association is one more scourge for some youngsters and ladies living and contemplating on grounds. They are on their own now: no educators, guardians, or family members are going to mention to them what, how, and when to do exercises. As a result of the absence of experience, understudies can’t make sense of what to focus on, and what isn’t critical right now; how to sort out their everyday practice; how to invest less energy doing ordinary errands; how to keep a harmony among private and scholarly life, etc. This causes disappointment, terrible showing, and stress. Successful approaches to help it may be keeping records on what and how you do certain exercises. After you perceive how much time either movement takes, you can begin arranging (IFR).

Being youthful isn’t just enjoyment, yet in addition upsetting, particularly when you are an understudy. New social difficulties joined with the nonappearance of a constant encouraging group of people (like family or old companions), a poor and unfortunate way of life, and the sloppiness, regularly cause dissatisfaction and worry in understudies. The generalization that school life is the best time in one’s life may be an error.


Scott, Elizabeth. “Worry in College: Where It Comes From, and How to Manage.” About Stress. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.

“What Are the Causes of Stress Among College Sudents?” N.p., 27 Jan. 2015. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.

“Reasons of Stress Among Students.” IFR. N.p., 23 Oct. 2014. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.

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