Cinematography and editing

Cinematography and editing are two elements in City of God that are creatively bold, unusual, and, in a way, a stylistic metaphor for the unpredictability of the story and the tenuous futures of the characters.

Write 200 words about what director Fernando Meirelles and cinematographer Cesar Charlone are doing with the camera work and editing that are innovative and helps tell the story in a way that a more conventional style could not.

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experience of torment, and this was best shown when Ann Putnam Sr. expressed that Rebecca Nurse was, “encouraging me to passionately to write in her book”, and when Putnam Sr. wouldn’t do as such, she guaranteed that in reprisal Nurse, “took steps to detach the spirit from my body”. The declarations of Ann Jr. what’s more, Sr. are fundamentally the same as in the manner that the two ladies appeared to encountered the equivalent physical injury exacted by the Nurse’s spirit, and Ann Putnam Jr. described that when she previously interacted with Nurse’s spirit, ” she hath deplorably distressed by gnawing, squeezing, and pricking me-“. Moreover, in the essential declaration of Ann Putnam Jr., she refered to other asserted casualties of Nurse’s black magic, which added to the story wherein Rebecca Nurse was blameworthy of these malevolent demonstrations.

Inside her first explanation during the declaration, Ann Putnam Jr. claims that she, “saw the specter of Rebekah Nurs proceed to hurt the assemblages of Mercy Lewis, Mary Wolcott, Elizabeth Hubbard, and Abigail Williams,” and this can be refered to as the Putnam’s method for attempting to additionally demonstrate Nurse’s arrangement with villain, in order to get free of their irritating neighbor until the end of time. This coherently looks at, in light of the fact that the demonstration of an irate nebulous vision showing up and violently requesting people to write in her book, and tormenting them once they deny, doesn’t appear to be a feasible event, hence the demonstration of adding more individuals to this story made the incident of this fiendish event progressively likely. For example, one of different casualties of Rebecca Nurse’s abhorrent, Mary Walcott, reverberated guarantees fundamentally the same as those of Ann Putnam Jr. what’s more, Sr., who affirmed before her. Just adding to the rundown of physical torment, that the specter of Nurse had fundamentally stifled Walcott. This is the fate of an example that is carefully followed generally during the preliminary of Rebecca Nurse. A casualty, Mary Walcott, gave her own declaration, while making a point to resound comparable central matters of the individuals who had affirmed before her, and if the casualty were to make reference to any new subtleties of their experience with the ghost, the following casualty in line to affirm would make certain to remember this new detail for their declaration. For example, casualty, Elizabeth Hubbard’s t

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