1) Complete the Table below:
• Columns 2 & 3 below using Nominal and Real GDP data GDPLEV.XLSX (download this document from Canvas)
• Calculate the percent annual change in GDP in Column 4 and the GDP deflator in Column 5.
• Using the information in Column 5, calculate the inflation rate for each year and record inflation in Column 6.
• Use data from https://www.bls.gov/regions/midwest/data/consumerpriceindexhistorical_us_table.pdf to populate Column 7 (inflation from CPI) (Report CPI-U Avg-Avg each year)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Year Nominal GDP in billions Real GDP in billions (chained) % annual change in Real GDP GDP deflator Annual Inflation based on GDP deflator Inflation from CPI
2) Based on the data in Columns 2 & 3 (Nominal and Real GDP), which year is being used as the base year?
3) Create a line graph showing how the percent annual change in Real GDP has changed over the years. Put YEAR on the X axis and percent annual change in Real GDP on the Y axis. Plot the graph and label your axes.
4) Given the graph you created in #3 and the data above, what is the current business cycle position for the US economy based on the most-recently available data you presented above (end of 2019)?
Since the reporting of last year’s data, do you think this trend has continued? Why or why not?
5) Column 6 (Inflation based on the GDP deflator) differs from Column 7 (inflation based on CPI). Why?
6) Using information from https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.a.htm, answers the following questions:
a) current unemployment rate =
b) month and year of (a) above =
c) is the current rate higher or lower than it was a year ago?
d) current labor force participation rate =
e) is the current rate higher or lower than it was a year ago?
f) unemployment rate for white workers =
g) unemployment rate for black or African American workers =
h) unemployment rate for those with only a high school degree =
i) unemployment rate for those with “some college or an associate’s degree” =
j) unemployment rate for those with a bachelor’s degree or higher =
k) is the number of people who are classified as “Job Leavers” higher or lower than it was a year ago? What does this change suggest about the health of the economy? Why?
must be enforced. This will benefit the company and Paakkanen down the road when she is forced to retire and no one will fill her shoes. This becomes even more complicated when involved the international expansion.
Two key concepts that are affecting the company include team norms and elements of diversity, or lack thereof. Teams norms are influencing Paakkanen’s current issue of being able to retire. As a red quadrant manager, Paakkanen is a micromanager. She oversees every aspect of the company; there is no one else that does all the roles that she does (Mitchell 9). Yes, there are project leaders who designers must answer to, but they do not manage any other aspect of the company. Plus, these team leaders are nowhere near qualified to run the company in the same manner that Paakkanen does. Since the entire company is so used to being managed solely by Paakkanen, it would be against their status quo to begin to look to someone else for all their direction (Hackman 248). This issue also adds to their work being all about the process (CVA 10). They have fallen into a pattern of everyone doing their tasks and calling it a day. They do put out their best work, but it has become repetitive. They could fall flat if they continue with their team norms. Paakkanen may think that without hierarchy, the team functions well but sometimes rebuilding a company without set structure can back-fire (Hackman 252). They must break their norms to move forward with either the expansion or the finding of a successor for Kirst.