Clement Greenberg’s 1939 essay “Avant-Garde and Kitsch.”


1. In your opinion, is his perception of high and low art correct to some degree? If yes, why so? If not, why not? Is high art any more valuable that “low” or “mass” art? Or are they both significant in different ways? If high art is the peak of any one artistic genius at a given time, can mass art then not be considered the marker of a collective whole, an entire population, at a moment in history?

Section 2:

2. Osmu Tezuka believed comics are a bridge between cultures and often dabbled into adaptations of classic literature into manga. His assumption was that this is an effective way to bring ideas to individuals incapable of accessing them otherwise. However, something else may be at play here as well. If comics are a universal language, does their adaptation of literature then in turn make the literature more universal and more easily understood through comics? For instance, there are certain specificities in local cultures, ways of expression, phrases, traditions, modes of thinking, etc., which are actually quite difficult to reconcile with to someone from a profoundly different culture. But, because of the ‘placeless’ nature of comics, or rather cartoons who have no distinct features bound to any locale, does that make the work itself more easy to assimilate and even agree with, despite cultural differences? Does it become easier to appreciate a foreign culture through comics? Does the universality of cartoons in turn succeed in presenting an accurate portrayal of a different culture or not or does it create an unrealistic illusion?



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Around 6,000,000 years prior, our precursors started to stroll on two feet as opposed to going on four feet. Bipedalism, the demonstration of moving about on two back appendages or legs, has been seen in different species all through advancement. Did it make those species more astute? Clearly not. Be that as it may, in this paper, the assignment will investigate the different reasons why our predecessors began being bipedal creatures rather than the standard four-limbed walkers. The most acknowledged hypothesis is that environmental change incited our initial selves to rise up to see past the tall grass of the savanna for predators, to flee quicker from assailants, and furthermore to walk further separations simpler. Another hypothesis proposes that we started the way toward being bipedal so as to stroll between trees simpler and to gather nourishment in treetops without hardly lifting a finger, for example, orangutans now and then do. But different speculations recommend that strolling on two legs came about on the grounds that new chasing techniques, and furthermore a developmental adjustment to managing African warmth.

Broadly expounding on the predominant hypothesis of why we got bipedal, atmosphere appears the most sensible factor now. As indicated by the BBC, “Bipedalism seemed well and good in a domain where trees were uncommon. Standing up permits you to see over long grass to check for predators and prey. The hereditary people who were best at standing would have been bound to endure and pass on their qualities, so it is anything but difficult to envision how common choice could have brought about a progressive move from basically standing up quickly to for all time moving around in an upstanding stance” (Gray, Richard). Notwithstanding, this hypothesis has issues, as the atmosphere changed drastically in Africa through the span of ages. In spite of the fact that savannas were made, they some of the time returned into forested territories. It is conceivable that our progenitors began to stroll on two legs and never thought back, in spite of environmental change changing the scene after some time again into a rich woods and go into a savanna.

Another hypothesis places that we began to stroll on two legs in trees, much like our cousins, the orangutan. As per a report called Origin of Human Bipedalism As an Adaptation for Locomotion on Flexible Branches, “Orangutans respond to branch adaptability like people running on springy tracks, by expanding knee and hip expansion, though all other primatesdothe invert. Human bipedalism is along these lines less an advancement than an abuse of a locomotor conduct held from the basic extraordinary primate precursor” (Thorpe, S. K. S., et al.). Thus, this hypothesis says that being bipedal is a significantly more old practice than we ordinarily might suspect, and that its utilization began because of our precursors competing for more approaches to accumulate nourishment and to cross the backwoods shade.

In spite of the fact that our predecessors didn’t begin chasing with weapons until a lot after we began to stroll on two feet, a few analysts state that is one of the primary reasons we took to being bipedal all the more promptly. In spite of the fact that this hypothesis was embraced by Charles Darwin at first, it has been end up being a plausible piece of the procedure of people getting bipedal. Without a doubt, standing and strolling on two feet fits greater adaptability and capacity to toss weapons at predators or prey (Gray, Richard).

At last, a few hypotheses point to adjusting to warm as one reason we began to stroll on our rear legs. Expressed by a report named Human headway and warmth misfortune: a transformative point of view, “… in light of the fact that bipedal hominins are essentially moderate sprinters, early hominins in open living spaces likely profited by improved capacities to dump heat so as to scrounge securely during times of pinnacle heat when predators couldn’t chase them. Continuance running capacities developed later, most likely as adjustments for rummaging and afterward chasing. Assuming this is the case, at that point there would have been solid determination for heat-misfortune systems, particularly perspiring, to ingenuity chase, in which trackers consolidate continuance running and following to drive their prey into hyperthermia” (Lieberman, D.E.). In this way, our antiquated progenitors created instruments to decrease physical warmth to endure and perform errands all the more productively.

Taking a gander at all of these reasons, it isn’t hard to accept that it was maybe a mix of these elements that made our ancient selves stand upstanding. Other than environmental change, needing to cross treetops without hardly lifting a finger, new chasing methodologies, and warmth adjustment, there may be various other significant motivations to consider. We may never know without a doubt, however we do realize that turning out to be bipedal supported us in advancing into who we are today.

Works Cited

Dim, Richard. “Earth – The Real Reasons Why We Walk on Two Legs, and Not Four.” BBC News, BBC, 12 Dec. 2016, reasons-why-we-stroll on-two-legs-and-not-four.

Thorpe, S. K. S., et al. “Starting point of Human Bipedalism As an Adaptation for Locomotion on Flexible Branches.” Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1 June 2007,



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