Clinical Field Experience


P​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​lanning, teaching, and reflecting are natural aspects of the teaching and learning process. This cycle allows educators to prepare for their students’ learning, teach, and then reflect upon the effectiveness of the teaching. This field experience is designed to continue practicing the art of teaching, while planning for instruction through reflective practices. Teach one or more ELA, social studies, or art lessons provided by your mentor teacher. Carefully review the results of any formal or informal assessments you administered as part of that teaching to evaluate the effect of your teaching on student outcomes. Using any remaining field experience hours, assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class. Write a 250-500 word reflection on the assessment data collected from the lesson taught. Explain how you would modify instruction based on the data. Include an overall reflection of the teaching process, addressing any changes you would make to future instruction


Sample Solution

s already alluded to earlier in our discussion, Nigeria’s main challenges are infrastructure, little economic freedom, corruption and overdependence on the oil and gas sector. These problems are prioritised by the Nigerian government which urges the private sector to get involved in developing infrastructure to help build the non oil sector. Diversification from the oil and gas sector is therefore, very key to the government. According to the African Development Bank (ADB), Nigeria and fellow African nations have undergone changes in public financial management in order to efficiently allocate resources. However this is not easily achieved as another problem that Nigeria suffers from is high levels of corruption. The Nigerian government tries to address this issue by creating economic crime organisations. The country has lived up to its promise of trying to reach its four main Millennium Development Goals and these are, achieving primary education for all, promoting gender equality, reducing extreme poverty and hunger and lowering child mortality rates. As a result of slowed oil production and a battered global economy, Nigeria’s GDP has not grown at heights that are expected of it, with the nation dropping from 6.63% to 5.89% growth rate in 2014-15. Agriculture is a big player in Nigeria’s economy accounting for roughly 40% of the country’s GDP. With low tax rates, oil and gas account for about 80% of tax received and about 25% of the country’s GDP. Whilst all other sectors only accounting for 20% of tax and 65% of GDP. Such over reliance on the oil and gas sector makes it difficult to plan and grow due to fluctuating oil prices. Hence, Nigeria is currently trying to diversify their economy to help relieve the strain that the oil and gas sector has on it.

Applying the Rostow Model to Africapitalism

Source: IB economics course companion (self drawn)

The Rostow model shows economic growth of a nation in five steps. Currently Nigeria is in the pre-conditions for take off stage, however with a fast growing economy and cleansing of internal problems, Nigeria is fast approaching the take off stage. Investments and savings are growing in the West African nation which is one of the characteristics of a nation that is in the take off stage. As Africapitalism promotes long term investments and creation of social wealth, Nigeria is well on track to reaching the take off stage as Africapitalism becomes more widespread. The economic theory of Africapitalism is sustainable to help Nigeria reach the level of mass consumption of which most Western nations have reached or are on the brink of reaching. Nigeria, applying Africapitalism to help propel economic growth, should set a good example for fellow African nations to also adopt the economic theory given the success it is proving in Nigeria at the moment.

Nigeria and the regional competitors

When compared to other Africapitalist nations, Nigeria thrives and struggles

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