Clinical Problem




a. Identify a clinical problem for which an NP could advocate for an evidence-based change that is client-focused. Avoid topics that are related to full practice authority, staffing, or burnout. The problem should be centered around clients and the care nurse practitioners provide for the population.

b. Describe the scope and impact of the problem.

c. Discuss the role of the NP in addressing the problem.

d. Explain why the problem is of interest to you.

Sample Solution

Problem: Addressing Social Determinants of Health in Primary Care

  1. Clinical Problem:

Limited integration of addressing Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) into primary care settings for patients with chronic conditions.

  1. Scope and Impact:

SDoH, factors like housing, food security, and transportation, significantly impact health outcomes. Low-income individuals and communities often face greater social and economic challenges, leading to higher rates of chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

Despite its significant impact, traditional primary care models often lack the resources or protocols to address SDoH effectively. This can lead to:

  • Poor health outcomes: Unmanaged SDoH can lead to complications from chronic conditions and increased healthcare utilization.
  • Health disparities: Gaps in health outcomes between different socioeconomic groups can widen.
  • Patient frustration: Patients may feel their healthcare providers are not addressing all aspects of their well-being.
  1. The Role of the NP:

Nurse Practitioners (NPs) are well-positioned to address this problem due to their:

  • Focus on preventive care: NPs can screen for SDoH needs during routine visits and integrate them into patient care plans.
  • Patient-centered approach: NPs can build rapport with patients, fostering trust and creating a space to discuss social factors impacting health.
  • Collaboration: NPs can work with social workers, community organizations, and other healthcare providers to connect patients with needed resources.

By advocating for and implementing a systematic approach to addressing SDoH, NPs can contribute to:

  • Improved patient outcomes: Addressing SDoH alongside medical management can lead to better disease control and overall health.
  • Reduced healthcare disparities: Integrating SDoH can help ensure all patients have an opportunity for optimal health.
  • Enhanced patient experience: Patients feel their healthcare team understands and addresses their holistic needs.
  1. Why This Problem Interests Me:

This issue interests me because I believe in a holistic approach to healthcare. Social factors play a crucial role in health outcomes, and neglecting them creates an incomplete picture. NPs have the potential to make a significant difference by integrating SDoH into primary care and empowering patients to achieve true well-being.

Furthermore, addressing health disparities is an important social justice issue. By ensuring everyone has access to resources needed for a healthy life, we can build a more equitable healthcare system.


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