Write a comprehensive review of a specific population group that has a specific health problem. It includes a needs
assessment, data, evidence-based interventions, measurable goals and outcomes, collaboration with a care
service agency/organization, and the role of the nurse as an advocate and change agent.
Write the paper in APA format 7th edition. Use level one headings (upper/lowercase, bold font, centered), The
paper should be 6 pages, excluding title page and reference page. A minimum of 8 resources is required,
including all scholarly references within 4 years (from peer-reviewed journals). For web sources, be sure to use
sources that end in .edu, .gov, or .org. Web sources from .com sites are not acceptable, including Wikipedia,
WebMD, etc.
1.Please write about the population Adult (African American and/ or Asian immigration if possible, please do
not write about Hispanic) of low-income and live in poverty In Oakland CA
2.specific health problem: can be DM, other inadequate nutrition …. Etc (
3. non-profit organization in Oakland
4. Please give a brief title for each section
Music was to communicate the work and achievement of the laborer through conventional Russian and Soviet melodies. Straightforwardness was to be a component in the compositional style. Stalin and the Party were to be celebrated through proper nationalistic subjects. These realities are terrifically significant while considering the components found in Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 5 and No.7.
The Fifth Symphony was written because of occasions that were happening in the Soviet Union under Stalin. It was important to have music the endorsement of the Party authorities and Stalin so as to endure. He was adjusting to strain to make less convoluted music that would fit into the styles worthy to social authenticity yet he expected to remain consistent with his convictions.
Because of the political environment of the time Shostakovich couldn’t communicate his sentiments, thoughts, or perspectives transparently in the event that they were in opposition to the partisan loyalty. As of now, the Great Purge or Great Terror was occurring during Stalin’s rule where he disposed of anybody not faithful to his beliefs. The gathering had objected to Shostakovich’s past melodic arrangements as excessively specialized or brutal. The drama Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District which was acted in 1934 was from the start generally welcomed. Nonetheless, when Stalin went to the drama, he found the subjects and music “pre-communist, negligible average, Russian attitude” and not in accordance with fitting Communist perspectives. The official state-run paper Pravda gave the drama a poor survey. Likewise, a few articles were vilifying concerning the drama. Consequently, Shostakovich got the message to extend the partisan principal through his music. The individual was not significant. The decision was to agree or get undetectable. Also during this time, huge numbers of Shostakovich’s companions and family members had been captured or sent to the Gulag, or just vanished. He was anxious about the possibility that that he may endure a similar destiny. Shostakovich needed to build up a style that would be adequate to the gathering yet discretely depict his melodic perspectives and articulations. The Fifth Symphony was to be a case of his political change in plain view to the gathering complying with the style of brave elegance.
In the Fifth Symphony, Shostakovich was showing how the Communists could impact an author’s composing yet still figure out how to communicate his individual emotions. The Symphony is organized around a structure of a few repeating melodic and cadenced thought processes. It starts with an extreme articulation between the lower and upper strings.