Cloud and the future

Write at least 500 word essay in five paragraph format speculating on one way that the cloud is going to change life in the future.
Use at least three sources and include one quotes from each of your sources to support your ideas. One quote should be included in each of your body paragraphs. Quotes must be enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line). All your sources should be cited in a reference list that is clicable. Include a meaningful title. The five paragraph model includes a thesis statement in the intro paragraph, topic sentences in each body paragraph, and a conclusion.

Sample Solution

Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user. The term is generally used to describe data centers available to many users over the Internet (Holstein, 2016). Cloud computing is powerful and expansive and will continue to grow in the future and provide many benefits. Cloud computing is extremely cost-effective and companies can use it for their growth. The future of cloud computing is bright and will provide benefits to both the host and the customer (Holstein, 2016).

The Quest for Finding Water on Mars

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water on defaces diagramFor many years—maybe since the occasions when individuals understood that Earth isn’t the focal point of Universe—mankind has pondered whether there was life on different planets. For reasons unknown, Mars—the planet that is particularly simple to see in the night sky—was constantly viewed as the most planned planet in these terms. Researchers, space experts, sci-fi scholars, and average folks have been energized by the chance of the presence of life on Mars; these expectations are incomprehensibly reflected in present day mass-culture. Furthermore, is the most energizing that these expectations may have a method of reasoning behind them; the latest galactic perceptions appear there is streaming water on Mars—and where is water, there is life.

Watching the outside of the Red Planet permits researchers to accept that at some point in the planet’s initial history—billions of years prior—it was secured with seas, and had streams streaming on its surface. It is viewed as that Mars was warm and damp enough to have life—not as we might want to envision life on different planets, since in all likelihood it was a type of microbial life. In any case, the issue of the Red Planet is that its mass is lighter contrasted with Earth, which implies its gravity was not sufficiently able to continue the air. Bit by bit, the water dissipated into the environment, and the climate got away into space, leaving Mars as the forsaken desert we know today (

There have been three more wanderer missions to Mars, including the most recent: Curiosity-1. One of their missions was to discover proof that the Red Planet had once been hotter and equipped for supporting life. In 2014, the information gathered by Curiosity guaranteed researchers there had once been fluid water on Mars. Specifically, the investigation of rocks at the base of Mount Sharp in the center of Gale Crater—a 96-mile-wide infertile bowl—has exhibited rather captivating outcomes: based on the rotating dregs layers at the base of the mountain, researchers accepted that through the span of a huge number of years, water streamed on Mars at various levels. In those days, Curiosity researchers proposed that Gale Crater was secured by a huge sea (The Atlantic).

The most progressive disclosure, notwithstanding, has been made only as of late, on September 28, 2015. NASA has discovered outright proof that there is fluid water on Mars at present. NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter distinguished the nearness of perchlorates—hydrated minerals that have framed streaks on inclines on Mars’ surface. Perchlorates—probably some of them—are known to have the option to shield water from freezing in incredibly low temperatures; for instance, – 94 Fahrenheit, which is a temperature near the normal one on Mars, isn’t an impediment for specific perchlorates to shield water from freezing. During the Mars “hot” seasons, when the temperature superficially gets around – 10 degrees Fahrenheit, perchlorates structure streaks—additionally called repeating incline lineae—on the Martian surface. During the virus season, these lines typically vanish (

As indicated by Lujendra Ojha, one of the venture’s specialists, this gives researchers a more clear image of what water resembles on Mars. “Something is hydrating these salts, and it gives off an impression of being these streaks that travel every which way with the seasons. This implies the water on Mars is briny, instead of unadulterated. It bodes well, since salts bring down the point of solidification of water. Regardless of whether RSL are marginally underground, where it’s much colder than the surface temperature, the salts would keep the water in a fluid shape and permit it to crawl down Martian inclines.” Although their group has no idea about where the water originates from, they recommend it may be the underground ice dissolving, or underground streams bolstering water to the surface (

Despite the fact that the ongoing NASA disclosure isn’t the since a long time ago foreseen picture of water uninhibitedly streaming on the Martian surface, it has supported researchers in making sense of reality with regards to water on the Red Planet. Incredible logical revelations seldom seem as though something spectacular—recall the Newton’s apple, for instance—yet the structure wherein these disclosures are made once in a while impact the significance of their results.


Fleur, Nicholas St. “The Evolving Search for Life on Mars.” The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 15 Dec. 2014. Web. 29 Sept. 2015.

Redd, Nola Taylor. “Water on Mars: Exploration and Evidence.” N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2015.

“NASA Discovers Evidence for Liquid Water on Mars.” Conde Nast Digital, n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2015.

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