Cloud computing


Select from the following list four (4) topics and discuss. Use only 100-words max per topic to discuss and present your answer.

The discussion questions this week are from Chapter’s 10-13 (Jamsa, 2013).

Chapter 10 topics:

Define and describe business continuity.
Define and describe disaster recovery.
Discuss pros and cons of cloud-based backup operations.
Discuss threats to an IT data center infrastructure and provide cloud-based solutions to mitigate the risks.
Create a DRP for a company with which you are familiar.
Chapter 11 topics:

Define software architecture.
Define and describe SOA.
Compare and contrast a web page and a web service.
Search the Web for companies that offer web services and then describe three to five web services that programmers might integrate into the applications they create.
Discuss what it means for a web service to be interoperable.
Chapter 12 topics:

Discuss key items that should be included in an SLA.
Define predictive analytics and discuss how an IT manager might use such analytics.
Discuss how an IT manager might use load testing on a site.
Define and discuss vendor lock-in and identify steps a company should take to mitigate this risk.
With respect to cloud-based solutions, list and discuss 5 to 10 operations or tasks an IT manager should oversee.
Chapter 13 topics:

List and describe common system requirements one should consider before moving an application to the cloud.
Discuss why a company should consider using a consultant to oversee a cloud migration and list specific skills you would expect the consultant to have.
List and discuss resource utilization characteristics one should monitor for an application prior to moving the application to the cloud.



Sample Solution

Cloud computing

Is your business ready for a disaster? This is the question a business continuity plan is trying to address. Having some type of business continuity planning in place is appropriate for all organizations regardless of revenue, size or industry. The planning and level of effort may vary depending on your needs, but you should make every effort to have something in place. So, what is business continuity? Business continuity is the advance planning and preparation undertaken to ensure that an organization will have the capability to operate its critical business functions during emergency events. Events can include natural disasters, a business crisis, pandemic, workplace violence, or any event that results in a disruption of your business operation.


Sonnet Response Essay

In my proposition, I change from two moving refrains to an all the more baffling sonnet. The contacting sonnet that I react to is “Tiger” by William Black. This work is so far my preferred sonnet. I frequently read this article just to remind me not to develop for my advancement, and I resemble a survivor melody for me “the eyes of a tiger”. It reminds me what I need to do to do this. The second motivation I like is “I transform disarray into 14 lines,” as indicated by Edna St.

This is my finished response to Mary Wilkinson’s great sonnet “Heart”. Concerning part, my response is nothing, only a bit, so there is no spot in my work (it is trembling!). Be that as it may, for me the response of this sentence is significant. I like this sonnet, so I’d prefer to call Mary or another hiding individual and send me a right adulation. I need to react. Medium discussion is one of my top picks, and I am extremely glad to have the chance to react to what I contacted soon. Be that as it may, I construct an assortment here and I am working for all of myself for my own stuff (last time I guarantee). These little sides and skips are discrete and should be isolated

Reaction to Poetry ACI 1250 A Response to Poems Read on January 21, 2013 Mary Oliver’s sonnet “Wild Goose” is a profoundly moving sonnet. Oliver inventive utilization of innovative dialects, feelings, images and sentimentalism made a positive and idealistic tone in her sonnets. One of my interests over this stanza is the positive and idealistic tone of that sonnet. Through her utilization of emblematic and inventive words at Wild Goose, perusers are held in Mary Oliver

“Maryal Mountain in this sonnet” clarifies the regular picture.

Mary verse by Mary Oliver: This sonnet discusses new life and vitality acquired from heart medical procedure. Like Alexander, Oliver utilized a great deal of pictures to inspire an enthusiastic response. The upsides of present day innovation and the upgrades it rejuvenates can be found in contemporary craftsmanship, including verse. Billy Collins’ suffocating expressions: When I previously read, I was unable to make certain of how to see that sonnet. It is about death, all the more explicitly what you are thinking and viewing before you suffocate. This will question whether your life is truly flickering before you. Life may not have to be recalculated just a single time. This sonnet is practically silly, regardless of whether you state that you are the well on the way to see fish









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