Cloud services and architecture


Search the peer-reviewed literature for examples of this. You may select any topic relating to technology that illustrates the potential for really messing things up. Include, in your description, an analysis of what might have caused the problems and potential solutions to them. Be sure to provide supporting evidence, with citations from the literature . It is not enough for you to simply create a own posting. You must read the postings of the other members of the class and comment on each of them. Please see Discussion Forum of the class syllabus for additional details on conten



From the first angle, how can the cloud help in answering difficult research questions? Can data-intensive applications provide knowledge and answers that could open new frontiers of our understanding? While this is the main driver for research and development of grid computing architectures, it is still unclear how to optimally operate a cloud system in scientific domains, such as physics and engineering, for example. Also, how can large-scale computation be achieved in a reliable and efficient manner? The body of work devoted to high-performance computing strives to continuously improve efficient and effective computational and parallel processing models.

Second, what are the ways to improve cloud services and architecture? Can cloud computing serve a larger number of users in a consistently transparent yet reliable manner?

Most recent work has focused on improved service provisioning, tackling problems related to parallelization, scalability, efficiency, and large-scale processing, along with monitoring and service control of data-intensive applications. As noted by Barker et al., there are some important opportunities for research in cloud computing that require further exploration. These include user-driven research (how to develop environments that support budget-limited computation based on a set of user-driven requirements), new programming models (what are, if any, the alternatives to MapReduce?), PaaS environments, and improved tools to support elasticity and large-scale debugging.

Finally, how can we improve cloud adopters’ confidence and limit potential risks from using cloud services? Some recent statistics have shown users’ reluctance in adopting clouds due to a lack of confidence in the security guarantees offered by cloud providers, and in particular, poor transparency. Specific issues reported by users related to lack of confidentiality, poor integrity guarantees, and potentially limited availability.

If this is all a hoax though, what happened to astronauts Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee that burnt to death in the simulation? Conspiracy theorists have an answer for that too. They were executed. Not formally, but rather that the “accidental” fire ignited in the simulation was set on purpose. One of the biggest advocates for this theory is the family of one of the victims: Gus Grissom. Grissom was an open critic of the space program, and both his wife and son believe that at the very least, NASA has and is holding from them information about what really happened. Conspiracy theorists take this idea much further and say that government officials purposely set the fire to silence critical Grissom before he learned, or before he could have told too much to the public. For their evidence, conspiracy theorists cite the mysterious circumstances around the fire, the lack of investigation details released, and the fact that the pod that they died in is now forever locked away in a military facility and cannot be investigated.

Those beliefs, or at least some aspects of those beliefs are held by somewhere near 10% of the nation. But why? Conspiracy theories are always fun to think about, but why do Americans actually believe their government would or could pull this off? An article from the Smithsonian tries to offer some answers. They suggest that it is mainly young people who believe the conspiracy theory because they were not around during the time of Apollo. Another factor that make young people the most skeptical are the plethora of websites sites throwing out the conspiracies, that young people can access easier than ever before.

The most convincing point the article makes however, and the one that I relate to the most, is the growing distrust of the government. After government scandals like Watergate and the Lewinsky Scandal, we have become so distrusting of government and politicians that I for one think the government is capable of almost anything. This distrust in my generation has led to theories like the idea that 9/11 was an inside job and maybe has caused a rise in belief in theories like the moon landing hoax.

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