Cognitive Ability Research Proposal




Visit the CDC website and read the report “Advancing the Nation’s Health: A Guide to Public Health Research Needs, 2006–2015”. Select a topic related to public health care from the CDC’s report or from the following:

Health disparities: Chronic diseases
Environmental health
Impact of infectious diseases on public health

Sample Solution

What would be your diagnosis of what went wrong, as it was described in this case study?

While utilizing the classical approach in this case study, Fayol’s principals of management can be used as an explanatory lens to diagnose what went wrong. My diagnosis of what went wrong in this study is explained through a classical approach, such as how you as employees have economical and psychical needs within industry. Each workers is expected to reach their highest potential while accepting the opportunities given to them within the work environment (Miller, 2015). As we all know, in this given situation, Krys Klear and Glass X has merged together. With everyone having different tasks and different ways of doing them, the merging of these two companies has caused some confusion within the employees. Without organization, planning, arrangement, coordination, and control within the company it has caused a major lack in organization and leadership to where no control seems to be helping employee stay on track of their tasks. Peter, you are taking on the task of showing command towards the employees, by giving out tasks in order to make their jobs structured. Peter has made it known that as a company, everyone will be working together so that the company becomes more profitable. With that being said, working as a team is a huge goal that could allow the company to perform as a branch rather than individually. Peter, as you started monitoring the work practices, you notice target sales were not being met and insisted on applying pressure to employees, such as the ones who weren’t up to speed. (Cockburn-Wooten, Simpson & Zorn, 2010). Now in my opinion, structure seemed to be lacking. Instead of targeting the employees who aren’t up to speed, planning and giving commands would have helped the employees who weren’t up to speed. Such as giving them t

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