Cohabitation, Divorce, and Remarriage

Compare and contrast cohabitation, divorce, and remarriage from a Christian and sociological world view. How is the Christian world view similar to and different from the sociological view? Students will write a 3 page (not including title and references) APA style paper that integrates faith and learning with the sociological perspective (Note: Sociology is the study of society. Do not make the mistake of conflating society to sociology). Students must utilize their textbook as well as biblical scripture in their analysis.

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Characterizing “Nothing”

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Perhaps the trickiest thing to characterize is “nothing.” Why is it hard to characterize? When you attempt to characterize “nothing,” it becomes something. Regardless of whether you consider “nothing” a unique idea, it despite everything would not be nothing, as then it would be a dynamic idea.

At that point how would we don’t characterize anything in the event that it is difficult to do as such? We can attempt to characterize it by saying that we can say nothing regarding it. In any event that stays away from it being solidly identified with “vague,” which is progressively about not having the option as far as possible on something or set a significance to something. On account of “nothing,” we can’t utter a word about it.

In spite of the fact that Oxford word references characterizes “nothing” as “1. nothing; no single thing” and “2. something that isn’t at exceedingly significant or fascinating” this is as yet saying something regarding it (Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries). However, I surmise you should state “nothing” is something that can’t be talked about. Notwithstanding, we utilized “something” and now we have reached another impasse.

In material science, we comprehend there can’t be genuinely nothing, as even in an all out vacuum—where there is no gravity, particles, or vitality—quantum vacillations show up and vanish continually, (Cain, Fraser). Making a space where there are no quantum variances requires a huge measure of vitality, and there would be a leftover of that vitality in that space after the changes have been flushed out, in addition to a precarious situation (1veritasium). So even on a physical level, “nothing” can’t be available.

In characterizing nothing, it is ideal to keep our mouths shut, as it can’t be characterized using any and all means. “Nothing,” truth be told, doesn’t exist; as though it did, it would not be nothing. Right now, may state the best meaning of “nothing” is that it is something that isn’t something, which is a serious logical inconsistency. We have a word for “nothing,” yet that doesn’t mean there is such an unbelievable marvel as “nothing.”


“Nothing Pronoun – Definition, Pictures, Pronunciation and Usage Notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at” Nothing Pronoun – Definition, Pictures, Pronunciation and Usage Notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2016.

Cain, Fraser. “What is Nothing?” – News and Articles on Science and Technology. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2016.

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