Company Management

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Use the attached Template to build an Operations Strategy Matrix for Tesla. Refer to the information and data in the three Tesla articles posted on Canvas. You are free to use data and information from other sources and research from around the same time frame as the articles published.

You are mapping a company’s operations and supply chain strategy by the FACTUAL decisions made on deploying resources (Resource Base) and the processes used to deliver value for the company (Resource Integration and Resource Development). The complete strategy matrix is a “blueprint” of coordinated and intentional management decisions made to deliver the company’s Strategic Objectives and its Customer Value Proposition.

A complete and coherent Operations Matrix Includes:

Resource Base: What key resources does Tesla have in each of the resource categories—Physical, Human, Software, Methods & IP, Ecosystem, and Financial)?

Resource Integration: What processes has the company decided to use to integrate the resources into productive assets? Resource Integration is the Operating System of the company—how does a collection of resources work together to create value customers are willing to pay for?

Examples: Aldi uses a Hub and Spoke process to integrate the physical resources, Toyota uses Lean manufacturing as a Method (Software, Methods, and IP) to integrate all the resources, Apple uses long payment terms to suppliers to integrate its Financial resources.

Resource Development: What processes does the company use to improve, to grow the quality and quantity of its resources.

Example: Intel uses a “Copy Exact” process to build new fabrication plants (Physical), Toyota uses “Kaizen Events” to improve productivity, quality, and eliminate waste.

Sample Solution

modulus (Gʺ) and the loss factor (tan d) were determined. All the rheological measurements were made at least in triplicate and the average reported.

Sensory Analysis: Processed cheese samples were evaluated by a panel of 15 selected assessors according to the method described by Macku22. Samples were coded and served at the room temperature. Five-point hedonic scale was used for assessment of cheese appearance (color), rigidity, spreadability, flavor and total acceptance.

Data Analysis: All the formulations were prepared in triplicate. The fortified data were analyzed using spss statistical software (IBM spss statistics 22) by one-way analysis of variance. The level of significance (p) was set at 0.05. Duncan`s HST test at 5% significance level was used as the multiple comparison test on all main effect means.


Chemical Analysis: processed cheese had protein content of 12%, fat content of 23% and moisture content of 56.67%. Samples did not show any significant differences in, protein, fat and moisture and these properties did not change significantly (P > 0.05) during storage (results are not shown). This could be because of low levels of powders added to the samples and did not make significant difference in these properties. In the case of pH, there were significant difference between control and fortified cheeses. Bin Shan et al.6 reported that herbal extracts with high phenolic contents in

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