Compare and Contrast of between Antigone and The Apology

what attitude towards death is expressed by Antigone in Antigone and Socrates in The Apology?
Antigone and Socrates are arrested and sentenced to death; what do these events suggest about crime, punishment, and society in the Classical Greek polis?

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ourist – A guest whose excursion incorporates a medium-term remain

3. Occasion creator – A visitor whose primary purpose behind voyaging is for relaxation/entertainment

(, 2019)

There are additionally numerous reasons in why individuals travel. Individuals may want to go for business, to see loved ones who live on the opposite side of the world, to investigate various urban areas and see excellent view or to develop themselves in an alternate culture (, 2019). While the reasons may fluctuate, most if not all people should experience a phase of arranging and choosing where precisely it is the need to go. This procedure, which will be canvassed in the following segment of the writing, permits people to limit and dispense with goal they would not visit with expectations of arriving at a resolution or right now a goal that meets their necessities. This procedure anyway isn’t one to be moved toward randomly and requires broad research and assessments of other to impact and guide the person’s choice.

2.2 The way toward picking an occasion goal

Before talking about the components that impacts a person’s choice, the procedure associated with settling on this choice should initially be clarified. The primary point of this procedure is to permit people to follow a consecutive arrangement of steps that will lead them to settling on an official conclusion on where it is they need to go. This successive procedure of settling on an official choice on a vacation goal is known as the movement arranging process. This procedure happens on a consecutive premise which implies that the initial step must be finished to move onto the following one. The outline beneath shows an essential case of this consecutive movement of five stages that an individual will experience in the dynamic procedure. (Coccossis, and Constantoglou ,2006).

(Huan and Beaman, 2004) states that this successive procedure permits people to

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