Comparing development trends in China with other middle-income countries


A. Look up Manufacturing, value added (% of GDP) for China in the World Bank Database, and plot the trend (it should start in the mid-2000s). What’s happened to the trend since the 2008-09 global financial crisis?
World Bank Database link:

B. Look up GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$) for China in the database – and note the data point for 2019. This is an FX measure of GNI per capita!

C. Look up GDP per capita, PPP (current international $) for China in the database and note the data point for 2019. How different is it from the FX measure?

D. For 2019, compare China’s GNI per capita (FX) with the United States’ GNI per capita. What is the relative % of China’s income level to the US? [China GNI per capita / USA GNI per capita]

E. For 2019, compare China’s GDP per capita (PPP) with the United States’ GDP per capita. What is the relative % of China’s income level to the US? [China GDP per capita / USA GDP per capita]

F. Find three other countries with GNI per capita, Atlas Method, which are within +/- $2000 of China’s for 2019. You can search by country, or find all countries listed here:

G. Plot the Manufacturing, value added (% of GDP) for these three countries along with China on a single chart (2004-present). If a country does not have any data for this indicator, pick another one!

H. Describe the differences between China and your other choices. If the manufacturing share is lower or higher in other countries, look up Services, value added (% of GDP) and Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (% of GDP) for these other countries. Use these trends to describe the differences over the last 10-15 years between these countries and China. Why do you think these trends look the way they do? (2-3 sentences).


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major dispute unresolved [Yun, 24th Apr 2009]. As compare with Alpa-S, SIASU had a lesser bargaining power as other staff and crew have less expertise comparing with Alpa-S and are very diversify in its members background and job scope.

Singapore government plays a role in regulating the country’s air space, handling landing rights to foreign flight and establishing new landing rights with other country [The Financial Express, 21st May 2009]. This directly impact on the route SIA able to offer and competition it will face [Calingo. P141. 1997]. As major share holder of SIA through Temasek Holding, Singapore government have the power to intervene policy and business process it needs to.

Other regulatory authority may also affect the business process of SIA, for example, recent allegation by Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) that Singapore airline cargo enter into a price fixing cartel [ACCC, 22nd Dec 2008]. As these foreign regulatory body have limited restriction on SIA and difficult to affect SIA’s business process, the power is consider low.

5.0 Internal Analysis

5.1 Financial position

SIA is one of the few airlines that maintain its profitability over the years, the group have maintains its profitability even during 2008 financial crisis up till 2009. As of 2009, the group have assets worth SGD 24,818million and debt of SGD 1,693million, an equity-debt ratio of 0.12. The group also have a general reserve of SGD 12,815million and plans to invest SGD 12,300million in the next five year. The Earning per Share (EPS) is 89.6cents with 5.6% profit margin and have liquid asset of SGD 2,805million. These demonstrate that the company are financially strong. A study by Aviation week magazine has rank SIA’s financial health to be 99%, way ahead of nearest runner up [Aviation Week, 11th Sep 2009].

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