Compensation Management


Analyze the current state of the compensation system and address the existing pay structure used. Reference should be made to the job-based and person-based structure. Analysis should reference sources of information for job analysis, job evaluation, pay design, and pay levels.

Sample Solution

lot of planning by a group of individuals is done for this kind of advertising. By going through history of print advertising we get this idea that a group of creative people is needed to create ideas which further becomes an ‘ Idea’.

Another group of other people works on appropriately placing these ideas so that they can earn more money. Print media advertising is a prime part of minting money for a publication. Mailers are also a part of print advertising which consist of notice size white paper to postcards.

Now as we know, advertising has been a important thing for business for years, Its signs & symptoms are there during the early Roman and Greek civilizations up to the middle 17th Century. Earlier advertising was exclusively meant to be an outdoor medium. The local merchants used advertising to attract and interact customers. When the adoption of printing press went widespread, the publication of local newspapers started and they started classified advertising. Enterprising merchants used postal and press system to print the very first commercial catalogs.

About Print Ads/Visuals

In these days application of visual art via mass media has gained a lot of significance in society. Use of media in way to generate awareness, to inform and to supervise and control any community’s lives in many direct and in-direct ways- can be made much more impactful by using tools or principals of visual art. Mix of media and visual art has a vast area of opportunity to play a important role in country like India which has huge geographical area. Variety of Culture, 18 scheduled languages and social-economic disparity. The value of communication in making people mobilized as well as seeking people’s interest and involvement

In country’s development is well recognized. If the communication facilities will be

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