Computer Forensics

What is Computer Forensics and what are the different areas of Computer (or Digital as it is sometimes called) Forensics?
What is your experience with Computer Forensics?
What is Web Browser Forensics and why is it so important?
What are the different types of web browsers based on use and popularity? Compare and contrast the top 5-10 web browsers.
Which web browser do you use and why?
What is the ranking of web browser in the top 5, in terms of security and why (compare and contrast) ?
Does it matter the operating system when it comes to web browser?
What are the different web browser artifacts and where can they be found?
How do the top web browsers differ and how are they alike?
What are the top paid and unpaid tools used for web browser forensics?”

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Computer Forensics

Computer forensics, also known as computer forensic science, is a branch of digital forensic science pertaining to evidence found in computers and digital storage media. Process of computer forensics includes: identification, preservation, analysis, documentation, and presentation. The different types of computer forensics are disk forensics, network forensics, wireless forensics, database forensics, malware forensics, email forensics, and memory forensics among others. From a technical standpoint, the main goal of computer forensics is to identify, collect, preserve, and analyze data in a way that preserves the integrity of the evidence collected so it can be used effectively in a legal case.

an Educator, I believe in order for me to implement my philosophies of Multicultural Education onto students, I would need to remember that each student is different, which makes them unique. Therefore, my teaching practices should be unique as well. Students cannot be categorized into a singular category. To further their education as an Educator, I believe I should have a well-developed understanding of what diversity is and the effects of diversity within the classroom, as well as an understanding of the crucial race theory, resistance theory, and the cultural difference theory.

My teaching methods will reflect the teaching method of Epistemological philosophy and its processes. Epistemology is the study of the nature and scope of knowledge and justified belief (Truncellito, D. A., 2014). It assesses the nature of knowledge and how it relates to similar notions like truth, belief, and rationale. Additionally, it addresses the way of production of knowledge, as well as skepticism about different knowledge claims (Truncellito, D. A., 2014). I believe there is enormous amount of power in hands-on learning and learning through discovery and exploration.


Diversity’s definition means a lot more than just acknowledging a difference in individuals (Gilbertson, G. 2016). Diversity is a set of methods that involve recognizing and enjoying interdependence of humankind, cultures, as well as the environment, practicing mutual respect for experiences and qualities that are very different from our own, recognizing that diversity includes not just ways of being but also ways of knowing (Gilbertson, G. 2016), and understanding that cultural, personal and sociological discrimination creates and sustains statements for a time creating and sustaining disadvantages for many others and construction of alliances across gaps in order that we can interact to eliminate all forms of discrimination especially within the school system (Gilbertson, G. 2016).

Diversity includes knowing just how to connect solely to those qualities a

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