The article you chosen in your discussion should summarize the article in such a way that it can justify any arguments you may present in your assignment and should be different from the abstract.
This article summary should not be the only article researched for your assignment. You may (and should) have several other articles researched in order to fully answer your assignment.
Chosen Article: A Survey of Machine Learning for Computer Architecture and Systems
Wu, N., & Xie, Y. (2022). A survey of machine learning for computer architecture and systems. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 55(3), 1-39.
Note: In addition to your researched peer-reviewed article, You must include an example of the article researched as it is applied by industry (company, business entity, and so forth).
the late 1700s, men were not at all equal, and this was especially true when regarding social class, and race. One of the reasons why the Constitution was written is probably because they want to set fundamental laws and give basic rights to its people in America, with hopes that people work towards common goals and achieve them at some point. Therefore, I think Socrates created the ideal city so that people can at least try to live a just life, and city. Unfortunately, though, if Socrates were to see today’s world and see our current government, I think he would categorize us with a mix of democracy and tyranny. Our current form of government is a democracy; we have freedom, and there are large numbers of people who value their material possessions and are obsessed with consuming more. However, our world today can be very dark. Murders, robberies, and crimes alike happen daily, as well as the “crime” of not caring for each other, as well as the earth. Socrates never really mentioned the world as a whole being something of importance, but I feel that if he were to see today’s world and the condition that the earth is in, including animals, I think he would think of all of us as evil creatures. We would not be seen as just, because not only do we not care for one another, even in our own communities, but we do not care about the world itself. I think our world today is filled with selfishness and an excessive desire to consume. We, Americans, may be the worst of them all just because every American consume so much. This goes for food and drink, but also for material items. We kill so many animals, trees, and destroy wildlife to further provide for ourselves; we mine for diamonds, have factories that emit toxic gases, and more. I feel that Socrates would create a brand-new city just to categorize our world today. We are what he feared of being the worst, and somehow, we are worse than his imagination. In addition, our ruler at the moment, being our president, is someone who would not be described as philosophical or wise. He is someone who got his power by campaigning and such; it was not an obdurate innate trait that he had—he actually wanted to rule. Socrates believes that those who rule do not want to rule and are rulers because they are best suited naturally. He would not be satisfied with our world today.