1. Suppose that the boundary of a closed region is represented by a 4-directional chain code. Write a function Area(ChainCode) in pseudo-code to compute the area of the region given its chain code representation.
2. Show that the area enclosed by the polyline is
Area=1/2 abs(∑_(i=0)^(n-1)▒〖x[i+1] y[i]-x[i] y[i+1]〗)
3. Compare Hough transform and Canny edge detection for region detection in terms of (i) robustness (insensitivity) to noise, (ii) detection of regions with irregular shape, (iii) any common technique that is used both methods.
4. (a) Compare three losses compressions techniques in terms of their suitability for natural images.
(b) Explain which lossless compression technique use variable code length. Which technique results in the optimal code length?
5, Consider the 8 by 8 subimage
Apply the JPEG compression algorithm (see lecture notes) and find and report the 1-D coefficient sequence.
Use the region growing function (next page) to detect:
The red, blue, green regions in the ThreeRegions image (next page) by planting one seed in each region simultaneously. You must run the program only once to detect all three regions. This requires just a little modification to the attached function.
Determine the centroid, area, and circularity of the regions detected in (a)
Find the minimum distance between the boundaries of the red and blue regions. Do not use your (human) vision and just assume that you have detected these two regions as in (a). You must come up with an efficient method. For example finding the distance of every pixel on the boundary of red region to every pixel in the boundary of blue region is inefficient.
oup of hypertensive. At the point when partition constant and pregnancy-prompted hypertension a lower esteem where found for persistent hypertensive emphazing the impact of the pressure term.
This study didn’t look at the impact of toxemia however found that hypertensive problem in pregnancy, including pregnancy-actuated hypertension, diminishes microviscosity demonstrating expanded fetal lung development. It likewise tracked down microviscosity as a decent estimation to foresee FLM.
Albeit the previously mentioned techniques are all great ways of foreseeing FLM, respiratory pain disorder is the immediate impact of lacking lung development. Subsequently the commonness of RDS in toxemia can likewise be a decent approach to mirroring toxemia’s effect on FLM.
Commonness of respiratory trouble condition in toxemia pregnancies
Respiratory pain condition is characterized by lacking degrees of surfactant prompting expanded surface strain that might additionally prompts aspiratory breakdown. In some litterateur it is additionally alluded to as hyaline layer sickness, which is added to the huge measure of hyaline films found at pneumonic examination of expired newborn children. It is analyzed by dyspnea and oxygen prerequisite inside the initial 24 hours after birth. 4
A concentrate by Friedman, S. A. et al. (1995) tried to find a gainful connection among’s toxemia and the impacts on newborn children brought into the world before week 35.5 Remembered for the review populace were 223 babies brought into the world to moms with toxemia. In the benchmark group 223 babies from normotensive moms matched for gestational age, orientation, race and birth strategy were incorporated. The review should explain various boundaries including RDS, neonatal passing and the span of obtrusive consideration and ventilation. As per this review there was tracked down no distinction in the occurrence of RDS and neonatal passing. Just the span of clinical consideration contrasted altogether. That been said, no change was utilized corticosteroids that should upgrade lung development. A more noteworthy extent of ladies with toxemia where under glucocorticoid treatment in which ought not out of the ordinary to favorable towards an improved result. Absences of such improvement prompts the end that newborn children from toxemia have an expanded gamble of creating RDS and thusly have a lower FLM.
One more concentrate by Chang, E. Y. et al. (2004), found a comparative trend.7 The review populace depended on 814 ladies determined to have toxemia and the benchmark group was gotten from ladies without toxemia. The two gatherings had preterm conveyance in growth week 24 to 37. The discoveries were as displayed in figure 2. Before incubation week 32 toxemia ladies had a fundamentally expanded chance of conveying a baby with RDS contrasted with the benchmark group when controlled for different perplexing. After growth week 32 no tremendous distinction could be tracked in the middle of between the two gatherings.
This concentrate likewise neglected to find a gainful impact from toxemia, rather the converse as it seemed to disturb the dangers of RDS.
Figure 2: