Concept maps are visual representations of information



Concept maps are visual representations of information. They can be charts, graphic organizers, tables, flowcharts, Venn Diagrams, timelines, or T-charts. Follow these simple directions.

Identify a concept (Use the DSM5 and Identify the main diagnosis)
From memory, try creating a graphic organizer related to this concept. Starting from memory is an excellent way to assess what you already understand and what you need to review.
Review lecture notes, readings, and other resources to fill in the gaps.
Focus on how concepts relate and how the treatment refers to the symptoms.
Review your classmate’s concept maps and make significant observations.
Concept Map 2

Gary is a 19-year-old who withdrew from college after experiencing a manic episode during which he was brought to the attention of the Campus Police (“I took the responsibility to pull multiple fire alarms in my dorm to ensure that they worked, given the life or death nature of fires”). He had changed his major from engineering to philosophy and increasingly had reduced his sleep, spending long hours engaging his friends in conversations about the nature of reality. He had been convinced about the importance of his ideas, stating frequently that he was more learned and advanced than all his professors. He told others that he was on the verge of revolutionizing his new field, and he grew increasingly irritable and intolerant of any who disagreed with him. He also increased a number of high-risk behaviors – drinking and engaging in sexual relations in a way that was unlike his previous history. At the present time, he has returned home and his been placed on a mood stabilizer (after a period of time on an antipsychotic). The patient’s parents are somewhat shocked by the diagnosis, but they acknowledge that Gary had early problems with anxiety during pre-adolescence, followed by some periods of withdrawal and depression during his adolescence. His parents are eager to be involved in treatment, if appropriate.

Concept Map Information

What is the Main diagnosis for Gary?
What are the Key symptoms?
What differential diagnoses did you consider and why?
What is your treatment recommendation and why?
What is the Prognosis?

Sample Solution

Concept Map: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

Central Concept: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

Related Concepts:

  • Symptoms:
    • Depressed mood
    • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities
    • Changes in appetite or weight
    • Changes in sleep patterns
    • Psychomotor agitation or retardation
    • Fatigue or loss of energy
    • Difficulty concentrating, making decisions, or thinking
    • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
    • Thoughts of death or suicide
  • Causes:
    • Genetic factors
    • Biological factors (e.g., brain chemistry, hormones)
    • Psychological factors (e.g., stressful life events, negative thinking patterns)
    • Social factors (e.g., poverty, social isolation, trauma)
  • Treatment:
    • Medication (e.g., antidepressants)
    • Psychotherapy (e.g., cognitive-behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy)
    • Lifestyle changes (e.g., regular exercise, healthy diet, getting enough sleep)

Relationships Between Concepts:

  • Symptoms: MDD is characterized by a cluster of symptoms that can have a significant impact on a person’s daily life.
  • Causes: The exact cause of MDD is unknown, but it is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic, biological, psychological, and social factors.
  • Treatment: There are a number of effective treatments available for MDD, including medication, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes.

Example of a graphic organizer for MDD:

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

Symptoms Causes Treatment
Depressed mood Genetic Medication
Loss of interest or pleasure in activities Biological Psychotherapy
Changes in appetite or weight Psychological Lifestyle changes
Changes in sleep patterns Social

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How concepts relate:

The symptoms of MDD are all related to the core features of the disorder, which are depressed mood and loss of interest or pleasure in activities. The causes of MDD are complex and not fully understood, but they are thought to involve a combination of genetic, biological, psychological, and social factors. Treatment for MDD is typically multimodal, meaning that it involves a combination of different approaches, such as medication, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes.

How treatment refers to the symptoms:

Treatment for MDD is designed to target the symptoms of the disorder and improve the person’s quality of life. Medication can help to improve mood, energy levels, and sleep patterns. Psychotherapy can help the person to identify and change negative thinking patterns, develop coping skills, and improve relationships. Lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise, a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep, can also help to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression.

Observations from classmate’s concept maps:

I reviewed the concept maps of several of my classmates and found that they were all well-organized and informative. They all included the key concepts related to MDD, such as symptoms, causes, and treatment. They also all showed how the concepts relate to each other and how treatment refers to the symptoms.

One particular observation that I made was that some of my classmates included additional concepts in their concept maps, such as risk factors, protective factors, and prognosis. This is a good example of how concept maps can be used to explore different aspects of a topic in more depth.

Overall, I found that reviewing my classmates’ concept maps was a helpful way to learn more about MDD and to see how different people organize their thoughts about the topic.


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