Concepts of Managed Care


Medicare is the largest medical program in United States. Medicare is a federal program authorized by Congress and administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The Medicare program includes 4 “Parts” :

Medicare Hospital Insurance (Part A),

Medicare Medical Insurance (Part B),

Medicare Advantage (Part C), and

Medicare Prescription Drug Plans (Part D).

There are also supplemental insurance plans for Medicare beneficiaries for individual purchase.

For your main Discussion Forum post, briefly describe the Medicare eligibility rules, the 4 “Parts” of the Medicare Program, and if you know of someone (friend, family member, neighbor, etc.) who would find this information helpful if you shared it with them .


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Medicare is a federal health insurance program that provides eligible individuals with coverage for hospital and medical services. To qualify for Medicare an individual must be aged 65 or over, or disabled and receiving Social Security Disability Insurance benefits (Centers For Medicare & Medicaid Services 2019).

The Medicare Program consists of four parts: Part A, Hospital Insurance; Part B, Medical Insurance; Part C (also known as Medicare Advantage) which includes private health plans approved by the government; and Part D which covers prescription drugs (U.S. National Library Of Medicine 2018).

I know of several family members who could benefit from this information including my grandmother who recently turned 65 and is looking into her options for health insurance. Outlining all the different parts of the Medicare Program would enable her to make an informed decision regarding which kind of plan best suits her needs.

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