Conducting scientific observations


After conducting scientific observations about a construct of interest, it is important to have a foundational understanding of existing research of the construct.
For this assignment, you are going to identify a psychological construct you would like to know more about, such as life satisfaction, stress, happiness, optimism, etc. Then, identify a research question- what do you want to know about this construct. For example, a research question might be “does work impact life satisfaction?” This is an important step. It is critical to identify a research question before finding your articles. This question will guide your search.
Based on the research question, you are going to search for scholarly journal articles about your construct of interest. While Google scholar can be helpful, you have access to journal databases via the online library. A commonly used database for finding psychological research is APA PsycArticles. For this assignment, use PsycArticles to search and retrieve research articles to study your construct. This assignment is not meant to be a simple Google search. Your articles should be related to a research question and focused on an area of interest.
Assignment Format
A. Introduction of Construct and Research Question (250-300 words)
Identify the construct of interest and research question. Provide a detailed description of the construct and explain what search terms you used to locate literature.
B. Article Review (250-300 words, APA citation does not count toward the word count requirement)
For each article, include the following information:
1. APA formatted citation of the article
o Author last name, First and Middle initials. (Year). Article title. Journal title, volume number (issue number), pages.
Smith, P. A. (2018). On finding journal articles: A made up citation. Journal of Made Up Psychology, 100(2), 203-214.
2. Identification of the research question(s) and description of how the authors investigated the construct of interest, including how they measured the focal and related constructs.
3. Description of the key finding(s) of the focal construct.
4. Attachment of the PDF or electronic copy of the article
Be sure to allow enough time to read through the articles. You are not expected to understand all the methods and analyses.

Sample Solution

re is no one definition of differentiation. However, all current definitions are underpinned by considering learners as individuals and learning as a personalised process. (Bartlett, J. 2016) This definition of differentiation is consistent in many research papers: The Training and Development Agency for Schools described differentiation quite succinctly as ‘the process by which differences between learners are accommodated so that all students in a group have the best possible chance of learning’ (Bartlett, J 2016) Visser (1993) is troubled about the lack of understanding around the term differentiation, regardless of its popularity. ‘Differentiation has become one of the educational jargon words of the mid 1990s-used by many, understood by some, and put fully into practice by a few’

Kerry and Kerry (1997) explain that differentiation rose to prominence after the 1988 Education Act. The Schools Examination and Assessment Council (SEAC) identified two methods of differentiation: by task and by outcome (Ivett, N.2007)

There is a strong emphasis on pupils’ progress in learning and a key feature of an outstanding lesson assessed by the teacher standards is that ‘all pupils make progress. When pupils can access learning, we begin to see outstanding progress (Bartlett, J 2016). It is a fundamental entitlement of all pupils in our schools to receive an education which is appropriate to their needs (South Gloucestershire education service). Talked about in government official papers as the key principal on which the National curriculum should be based; The curriculum should be, “differentiated: what is taught and how it is taught need to be matched to pupils\’ abilities and aptitudes.’’ (DES, 1985)
Effective differentiation provides appropriate challenge and support for all pupils, ensuring that every young person makes progress and that each individual develops a sense of becoming a successful and increasingly independent learner (South Gloucestershire education service) Although dated research by Bennett et al (1984) suggests teachers were not always utilising this approach. He found that sixty percent of year 2 children and seventy percent of year 3 children in a range of settings were seen to be working at tasks that were either much to easy or much too hard for them.
There are diverse ways in which we differentiate in the classroom: by support, tas

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