Confronting Verbally Aggressive Group Member.






Read and answer questions Cameron Considers Confronting Verbally Aggressive
Group Member.
Cameron’s field instructor, chair an interprofessional agency committee and has asked Cameron to chair a
committee meeting because he has another obligation during the committee’s scheduled meeting time
.Cameron feel’s honored that his field instruction has entrusted this important committee responsibility to him .
A new committee member, a psychiatrist, joins the group at the meeting and dominates the meeting. Cameron
perceives that she has her own agenda (one that is not consistent with the group mission or purpose ) During
the meeting ., the psychiatrist interrupts other members, is verbally aggressive, and attempts to force decision
to be made that conflict with the views of other members , Cameron , mindful of his position as a student and
substitute chair , does not know if he should confront her in the meeting or privately ignore her, or attempt to
gently redirect .The other committee members do not acknowledge or confront her behavior during the meeting
and appear uncomfortable what should he do ?



Sample Solution



There are many controversies with regard to recollection. For example, Dr. Loftus has demonstrated in court many times over that human memory is fallible. There are times when witnesses to crimes or accidents need to be able to provide accurate information to authorities. People have been (deliberately and otherwise) accused of crimes. There are times when we forget where we put important things (like our homework, a watch, murder weapons, and car keys). So, clearly, despite the fallibility of human memory, we are always attempting to rely on it for one thing or another.

Question :

If it were possible to create a device that could ACCURATELY read people’s minds (i.e., their memories), do you think it would be a good thing? Certainly it could be used for BAD things (like finding out someone’s safe combination, computer password, etc.), but, if such a thing existed, and it could be regulated such that it was only used in court, would that be a useful tool? (Consider that the lie-detector has served a role something like this). What do you think?

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