Consumer Behavior Research

Understanding the influence of culture on the consumer decision process is an important
part of a marketer’s job. Cultural norms and values, along with consumer perceptions,
family, and group influences, are all factors that can significantly impact the diffusion of
new products or services. Many firms realize that they must adapt existing product or
service models when introducing them into a foreign market.
First, you’ll read the Global Opportunity box titled “Fast-Food Rulers in China” in Chapter 8
of your textbook. Then, you’ll examine the two different strategic approaches adopted by
the fast-food chains KFC and McDonald’s when they expanded into China. Which, in your
opinion, would be the more effective strategy for expanding into India, and why?

Sample Answer

Cultural values all over the world is what defines people and accounts for the existence of different norms yet same human family. It’s the culture of a given person that dictates the way one behaves and carry out his or her activities. Its in this sense that this beliefs forms part of an individual and contributes immensely into habits, values and principle including the individual’s buying decision based on what they see from their immediate environment and a family as away of life.

We can characterize quantitative procedures like scientific and measurable models which are depicting a various cluster of factors relationship, and they are intended to help supervisors with the board critical thinking and basic leadership. There are a considerable lot of numerical and factual systems which can be utilized to help basic leadership by chiefs of a wide range of business association: enormous or little, private area, open segment, benefit arranged, assembling, or administration segment. Measurements is characterized as the way toward gathering an example, sorting out, investigating and deciphering information. The numeric qualities which speak to the attributes broke down in this procedure are likewise alluded to as insights. Notwithstanding, in insights we are applying numerical method for investigation, and technique for examination and blend populace of numerical information rely upon their inclination and extrapolation reason. [2, pg.1] When data identified with a specific gathering is wanted, and it is outlandish or unfeasible to acquire this data, an example or subset of the gathering is gotten and the data of intrigue is resolved. Gathered information are the column material which by treatment should change into valuable quantitative measures. [2, pg. 19] The quantitative models

The change of information into data, likewise called data examination, was bolstered by the board data framework forms. Satisfactory models help create quantitative systems in a business setting. Models are streamlined portrayals of the real world and frequently appear as a condition or set of conditions that depict some monetary setting. In monetary hypothesis models are deterministic.[3, pg.36] Models arrive in an assortment of structures in business: they are not simply quantitative. A scale model may be built of another office improvement, a monetary model might be created to asses the effect of spending changes on item/administration conveyance; the advertising office may build up a model as far as surveying client reaction to item changes. Be that as it may, any model, regardless of what its frame or reason, has one particular element: it is an endeavor to speak to a circumstance in an improved structure. Which model will be sufficient relies upon motivation behind examination and investigation. [5, pg. 104] Many operational issues and basic leadership have been founded on examine that manages utilization of model or quantitative systems. There are on a very basic level four reasons why quantitative systems are utilized by administrators:

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