Content: Using psychodynamic theory (ego psychology, self psychology, attachment theory, intersubjectivity, and relational theory) to inform your clinical social work treatment, write an assessment of the attached case by answering 4 of the questions below.
ngverVone should answer question 41 In one fully-formed paragraph. In addition, you will choose 3 of the remaining questions to address. The suggested length for each of these answers is 2 pages. The final assignment should therefore be about 7 pages.
Your paper must include 5 references – 4 of these references can be from class readings. (Note – the Berzoff text can only serve as 1 reference). You should use first-person when talking about yourselves.
Paper format: Follow APA guidelines for title page, text, headings, and references. Put your name on the cover sheet. The text should be typed, double-spaced, with Times New Roman 12-point font, with length approximately 7 pages as detailed above. Use APA headings to divide your paper in response to the questions below.
1. Based on this vignette, how would you describe the presenting problem for clinical social work intervention andfor psychotherapy? In your answer you should reference both presenting symptoms as well as the larger relational context for the presenting issues.
2. From an ego psychology perspective, how would you assess this client related to defensive functioning. Which defenses are adaptive, which are maladaptive, and why would you assess this? How does this inform your treatment?
3. Using object relations theories (i.e., Klein, Winnicott, and Mahler), how would you assess the Internal representations of self and other of the individual under discussion? What evidence do you see of Winnicotts True or False Sell? What evidence do you see of psychological splitting?
4. How would you describe the individual’s functioning from an attachment perspective? How would you speculate the client’s relational patterns developed, and how would YOU work with this?
Beyond these initial symptoms however, there is a larger relational context within which they become meaningful. The individual appears to struggle with creating and maintaining interpersonal relationships as evidenced by their difficulty connecting with family members or spending time alone due to feeling unmotivated and uninterested in life generally (Roy & Roy 2020). Furthermore, they report being constantly overwhelmed by emotions of guilt and shame when it comes to engaging in activities outside their comfort zone or facing any kind of criticism from others.
In understanding this more nuanced set of challenges faced by the individual in question here, interventions such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can be effective at targeting thought patterns associated with negative behaviors while also providing support through education on improving coping skills during times of emotional distress (Pinto & Pagotto 2020). Furthermore, psychodynamic therapy could be used to explore underlying issues related to early childhood experiences as well as help identify personal goals which would lead towards improved quality living going forward (Munoz et al., 2021).
Transient memory is the memory for a boost that goes on for a brief time (Carlson, 2001). In reasonable terms visual transient memory is frequently utilized for a relative reason when one can’t thoroughly search in two spots immediately however wish to look at least two prospects. Tuholski and partners allude to momentary memory similar to the attendant handling and stockpiling of data (Tuholski, Engle, and Baylis, 2001).
They additionally feature the way that mental capacity can frequently be antagonistically impacted by working memory limit. It means quite a bit to be sure about the typical limit of momentary memory as, without a legitimate comprehension of the flawless cerebrum’s working it is challenging to evaluate whether an individual has a shortage in capacity (Parkin, 1996).
This survey frames George Miller’s verifiable perspective on transient memory limit and how it tends to be impacted, prior to bringing the examination state-of-the-art and outlining a determination of approaches to estimating momentary memory limit. The verifiable perspective on momentary memory limit
Length of outright judgment
The range of outright judgment is characterized as the breaking point to the precision with which one can distinguish the greatness of a unidimensional boost variable (Miller, 1956), with this cutoff or length generally being around 7 + 2. Mill operator refers to Hayes memory length try as proof for his restricting range. In this members needed to review data read resoundingly to them and results obviously showed that there was a typical maximum restriction of 9 when double things were utilized.
This was regardless of the consistent data speculation, which has proposed that the range ought to be long if each introduced thing contained little data (Miller, 1956). The end from Hayes and Pollack’s tests (see figure 1) was that how much data sent expansions in a straight design alongside how much data per unit input (Miller, 1956). Figure 1. Estimations of memory for data wellsprings of various sorts and bit remainders, contrasted with anticipated results for steady data. Results from Hayes (left) and Pollack (right) refered to by (Miller, 1956)
Pieces and lumps
Mill operator alludes to a ‘digit’ of data as need might have arisen ‘to settle on a choice between two similarly probable other options’. In this manner a basic either or choice requires the slightest bit of data; with more expected for additional complicated choices, along a twofold pathway (Miller, 1956). Decimal digits are worth 3.3 pieces each, implying that a 7-digit telephone number (what is handily recollected) would include 23 pieces of data. Anyway an evident inconsistency to this is the way that, assuming an English word is worth around 10 pieces and just 23 pieces could be recollected then just 2-3 words could be recalled at any one time, clearly mistaken. The restricting range can all the more likely be figured out concerning the absorption of pieces into lumps.
Mill operator recognizes pieces and lumps of data, the qualification being that a lump is comprised of various pieces of data. It is fascinating to take note of that while there is a limited ability to recall lumps of data, how much pieces in every one of those lumps can differ generally (Miller, 1956). Anyway it’s anything but a straightforward instance of having the memorable option enormous pieces right away, fairly that as each piece turns out to be more recognizable, it tends to be accli