Controlled Substance Act




Determine and select a policy for your final paper and begin the research regarding your policy. It is important to remember that your paper should focus on a specific policy and that your paper will need to address the following components:
The emphasis will be to write about the impact of federalism related to the chosen topic you have decided to write about.

Policy Examples include:

Controlled Substance Act
Civil Rights Act
Education Reform
Gun Control
Minimum Wage
Voting Rights Campaign Finance
Death Penalty
Electoral College
LGBT Rights Criminal Justice
Media Bias

Sample Solution

Controlled Substance Act

The American Constitution is based on a system of federalism, where both the national and state governments play a role in criminalizing and regulating products like alcohol or marijuana. The federal Controlled Substance Act is grounded in federal commerce power and states explicitly that any state law that is in “positive conflict” with the Act is preempted by federal law. The Act includes the statement from Congress that drug abuse is a “national” problem requiring federal control. The Act places all substances which were in some manner regulated under existing federal law into one of five schedules.

is exposition I will talk about the associations between authority, inspiration and cooperation hypotheses, how they interface with training in associations and their limits, offering arrangements where difficulties emerge. The exposition plans to make inferences on the reasonableness of Fiedler’s Contingency Theory of Leadership, Tuckman’s Model of Group Development, Belbin’s Team Theory, and Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory practically speaking, and how intricacies like power and impact shape how they can be applied to best suit what is going on a pioneer faces.

Initiative Contingency based speculations of authority propose that there is no right or most ideal way to lead a gathering, or association, because of the critical number of limitations on a circumstance (Flinsch-Rodriguez, 2019). Fiedler, in his Contingency Theory of Leadership (Fiedler, 1967), proposes that the viability of a gathering is reliant upon the authority styles of the pioneer and their favourability to everything going on. A significant part of the hypothesis is laid out around the most un-favored associate scale (LPC). The LPC expects to measure a potential chiefs way to deal with an errand on a size of relationship persuaded to task roused, where the pioneer fits on the scale permits what is going on to be derived, and accordingly permits the recognizable proof of reasonable pioneers for assignments. The favourableness of the present circumstance relies upon three attributes: pioneer part relations, the help and trust the pioneer as from the gathering; task structure, the lucidity of the assignment to the pioneer; and positional power, the power the pioneer needs to survey a gatherings execution and give prizes and disciplines (Fiedler, 1967). In the event that the pioneers approach matches what is expected from going on, achievement is anticipated for the gathering. Fiedler’s possibility model offers an extremely stark categorisation of authority, obviously characterizing which circumstances endlessly won’t bring about progress for a likely pioneer. At the senior administration level of a hierarchal construction inside an association the hypothesis can be applied openly, right off the bat because of the simplicity at which people can be supplanted on the off chance that their LPC score doesn’t match that expected of everything going on (Pettinger, 2007). Furthermore, and above all, is to guarantee that the senior administration are ideally suited to effectively lead the association. In any case, further down the ordered progression Fielder’s possibility hypothesis starts to hold considerably less pertinence, it becomes unfeasible according to a hierarchical point of view because of the quantity of individuals at this degree of authority. The planned operations of coordinating the pioneer with their most un-favored collaborator is difficult to reliably accomplish, so a more continuum based approach is required. Figure 1: Chelladurai’s Multi-Dimensional Model of Leadership (Miller and Cronin, 2012)

There are other possibility speculations that give a more continuum based approach like Redding’s hypothesis of administration and the board, but Fielder’s depiction of how situational factors influence the authority style expected for everything going on is very valuable in figuring out the essentials of initiative (Pettinger, 2007). Chelladurai in his Multi Dimensional Model of Leadership, develops a lot of Fiedler’s hypothesis however in a continuum based approach, in which the pioneer can adjust their administration style to fit everything going on (Chelladurai and Madella, 2006). Chelladurai’s hypothesis is taken from sports psycholo

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