Discuss core competencies and how these can give an organization a significant competitive advantage.
1) What is your approved company’s core competency?
Important: If your approved company is listed on Table 3.3 on page 88 of your e-text, discuss the company’s secondary competency.
2) Explain why this is a core competency. Support your ideas with properly cited facts.
ed for the construction of lost links of roads and railway tracks. Another important goal of this plan was to unlock international road transportation among member states(Bhatti, 1995).
ECOTA 2003
That ECO Trade Agreement was chalked out to institute free trade zone in the region by 2015. It was determined to reduce the tariffs of the goods traded from 80 % to 15 %. That accord at that time was not endorsed by Iran due to her differences with Turkey over tariff issues (ECO at a Glance)
ECO TDB 2007
The purpose of ECO Trade & Development Bank was to channelize resources for embarking, enhancing and supplying financial facilities to enlarge intra-regional trade and to offer experts counseling to member countries in solving their fiscal issues. Operations of Bank started in 2008. In Tehran and Karachi representative offices of the Bank are functional with best performance (ECO at a Glance)
ECO Freight Train Service 2009
A very significant venture was inaugurated between Pakistan, Iran and Turkey in 2009. According to that Train’s route was planned from Islamabad, Tehran and Istanbul. It’s further target was to connect Pakistan with Europe via Turkey. At that time it was expected that the railway routes can link ECO member states with Europe for this purpose some missing links had to be up graded . Quetta-Taftan track & Kerman-Zahidan track were very important of these tracks. (ECO at a Glance).
The ECO-IRU Silk Road Truck Caravan, 2010
That Caravan Silk Road started its journey from Islamabad in April 2010 and completed it on October 2010 in Istanbul after covering a long distanced journey of 11,000 km. The caravan travelled through seven countries of ECO including unstable region of Afghanistan.The purpose of this journey was to gather information in order to facilitate road transport in the area (IRU-ECO Truck Carvan).
Turkish President visit Pakistan November 1985