-Correctional Officers Safety and Wellness. From the recommendations provided in the article under the learning materials, which one do you believe will be the most feasible and effective? You can discuss more than one policy.
Provide a comprehensive reflection of your critical thoughts on the topic at hand.
Correctional officers risk factors and strategies for safety and wellness
Correctional officers play a pivotal role within the prison system. Yet, working as a correctional officer brings with it stressful and dangerous conditions that are unique to this line of work. Correctional officers experience high stress levels, burnout, and variety of other mental health related consequences as a result of their jobs. Improvement of correctional officer health and safety starts by changing the mindset of administrative officials and other stakeholders in the correctional fields. Policies that could be implemented, if a facility has not already done so, include, heightened intake procedures to identify problematic inmates, and instruction and training for officers on mediation tactics that de-escalate volatile situations. Implementation of such policies, targeted at decreasing and addressing dangers in correctional environments, could have dual benefits of enhancing officer wellness and establishing wider institutional order.
he weakest rate of expansion seen since the third quarter of 2016, due mainly to a piercing slowdown in private consumption and a pull-back in non-residential construction. However, like China’s economy, government spending went up 0.5% and consumer spending by 0.3% in the third quarter of 2018, supported by national government spending (1.9%) while local government and state government consumption dropped (-0.5%). The slight increase was driven by increases in insurance and other financial services (1.6%), transport services (1.8%) and food (0.8%), while there were falls in consumption of operation of vehicles (-1%), other goods and services (-0.7%) and the purchase of vehicles (-1.3%). Furthermore, total inventories have increased AUD$47 million in the third quarter of 2018. To conclude, Australia’s economy, as seen in the stimulus, has also consistently experienced a rate of GDP growth that is steady with the average growth rate slightly decreasing over the past 5 years.
China’s rapid rate of economic growth has led to a high level of resource use and environmental degradation, therefore experiencing severe environmental problems. The Chinese government has therefore commissioned the OECD to conduct a study of the environment in 2007. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an intergovernmental economic organisation with 36 member countries, founded in 1961 to stimulate economic progress and world trade. This report discovered that by 2020, uncontrolled pollution would cause an approximate 600,000 premature deaths in urban areas, 20 million cases of respiratory illness per year and up to 7% of China’s annual GDP being lost due to pollution. If stronger environmental laws are not implemented, there is also a possibility for this number to rise to 13%. Furthermore, although the high-income OECD countries account for 40%