Costs associated with delivery of medical services


Explain the costs associated with delivery of medical services, and the implications of an aging population on costs in the future.
Define the “reintegration model” and its assumptions about the role of corrections.
Describe the growth of the jail population and why the concept of capacity is important.
Describe jail standards and their impact over time.
Describe the major alternatives to jail confinement, noting the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Describe the presumption of innocence and how this concepts effects jails within the correctional system.

Sample Solution

The cost of delivering healthcare services can be broken down into direct and indirect costs (Abboud 2020). Direct costs include providers’ fees paid for services such as medical tests, hospital stays, and medications prescribed. Indirect costs are the ancillary expenses related to healthcare delivery including administrative staff salaries, equipment purchases, maintenance charges, etc. The combination of these two categories of cost create the total cost of a health care service or procedure.

With an aging population comes an increase in demand for medical services due to increased prevalence of chronic illnesses and other age-related conditions. This is likely to drive up healthcare expenditure as there will be more people requiring treatment—which could lead to higher direct and indirect costs associated with providing care (Marmot et al., 2019). Additionally, the burden may become further amplified if preventive measures such as screening programs that make early diagnosis possible are not implemented since treating illnesses at their later stages tends to be much more expensive than earlier ones (Blendon et al., 2019).

and students effectively take risks without feeling threatened. Seliger (1977) in an observational examination made a refinement of the students at the limits of investment in a classroom setting and the impact of classroom communication on their Language capacity. Data were assembled through a semester and he reasoned that there were two sorts of students in view of verbal interaction; he called them ‘ high input generators’ and ‘low input generators’

The outcomes of an education by Zarfsaz et al. (2014), show that for low risk takers, anxiety, class actions and Ambiguity Tolerance are the most hindering factors while for high-risk takers, class activity is the most significant factor and second vital factors are Ambiguity Tolerance and class size. In their qualitative data analysis of the ten interviewees as the results demonstrate that 90% of the participants have positive attitudes toward risk-taking and they trust that active contribution and risk-taking is a good exercise for Language learners and high risk-takers are better Students. Fixing learners’ mistake in a friendlier way and highlighting that everyone can make mistake and making mistake is part of their education contributes to learners’ risk-taking skill and inspires them to take risks. They also found that teachers’ attitude, style and method as manipulating factors on Students anxiety level also have effects on classroom situation and environment and can be measured empowering or debilitating for learners’ Risk Taking capacity.

The literature in the field of second language acquisition has also brought to light other theories to explain risk takers. A clear instance is Krashen’s Monitor Hypothesis. However, Krashen does not refer specifically to the concept of risk taking in his studies, the risk-taking construct and its specifications are implied in many of them. According to Ortega (2009, p.198) in simple terms, risk takers and risk-averse students can be compared respectively to Krashen’s “underusers” and “over users” of the monitor device. The over users are highly concerned with editing their language accomplishment and attentively think their utterances; hence, they usually represent deficient oral fluency (Krashen as cited in Mitchell & Myles, 2004). Monitor over users have the specification of “cautiousness” shared by risk-averse students in the language classroom. On the other hand, under users are believed to be more reckless in their use of the language. Their utterances are not the product of mental authenticity. Moreover, under users represent high levels of risk taking because they prefer to say what they want without worrying about the details like risk takers us

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