I. The PromptsQ1. “North Korea has shown itself to be an unpredictable country run by an unstable
leadership.It is an odious regime that has shown itself more than willing to use force whenever it suits its
purposes.Further, if we do not roll back its nuclear arsenal and missile program, it will represent an imminent
threat to the security of the region and a proliferation danger for the entire world.Every attempt to negotiatewith
this regime has met with utter failure, so all thoughts of further talks should be abandoned. North Korea is a
vestige of the Cold Warthat we should have taken care of long ago. It is time to adopt a more forceful course of
Q2. “We should withdraw or greatly reduce the US military, economicand political presence in East Asia. Asia’s
security situation is relatively stable, so the is no longer necessary to ensure regional stability. America does
not have strong interests in the region, and the costs of our past empire have become too high. As our
economy has weakened, our two main allies, Japan and South Korea, have become rich enough to pay for
their own defense. America will be better off if we draw down our commitments to the region, even if that
means that someone else assumes the leadership role.
As North Korea seeks to grow its economy and open up to the outside world, experts say Kim’s relationship with elites could be tested and will be crucial to the regime’s survival.North Korea has been ruled by one of the world’s longest-running dynastic dictatorships. Three generations of the Kim family have ruled with absolute authority, using heavy repression and a system of patronage that ensures support from elites and the military.The latest supreme leader, Kim Jong-un, appears to have deftly handled his early years at the top through reshuffling party and military structures and accelerating a buildup of nuclear and missile capabilities.
ils of the design. On the other side, Pfleeger and Atlee decided to focus on the risks that are related to change and state that Bohner and Arnolds impact analysis can have many risks such as estimates of the resources, effort and schedule. P2: Evaluate the ways in which internal and external drivers of change affect leadership, team and individual behaviours within an organisation. Leaders can influence and help guide colleagues under them, so the organisation can be more effective in achieving their goals. Some leadership styles that are affected by external factors are organisational environment, organisational resources, employee roles, organisational culture, political factors and technology Organisations have their own work environments with their own values. These values are the care the organisation has for their community, staff, investors and customers and also determine how the business will be led. Leaders are dependent on their organisation’s resources such as technology, finance and physical resources to help achieve their goals. The success of an organisation depends on how well resources are handled and distributed. When employees take an important role in the organisation. Their position is defined by tasks and responsibilities that they have. Each employee has a different way in approaching tasks that can impact their career. They also effect the organisation by their work ethics and personal values. Each role will have difficulties that leaders must face to help the business.