Crime Scene Searches

ou are a police officer at a local department, and there have been some recent issues with other police officers following protocol. You have been asked to present a refresher training on crime scene searches.
Create a PowerPoint presentation that reviews the information below.
Discuss the various types of crime scene searches.
Discuss best evidence and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).
Explain the chain of custody.
Support your presentation with at least one reference. The reference may be an article from the CSU Online Library or your textbook.
Your presentation must be at least eight slides in length, not counting the title or reference slides. Include at least one image or graphic that supports the theme and content of your PowerPoint presentation.
Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.





Sample Solution

Crime Scene Searches

Crime scene searches are an essential part of law enforcement investigations. This is because they provide the opportunity to collect physical evidence to aid in solving and prosecuting criminal cases (Cox, 2008). The types of crime scene searches include residential and commercial property searches, vehicle searches, outdoor search areas such as parks or wooded areas, fugitive operations, or body recovery operations (Cox, 2008). It is important that all searches be conducted following proper protocol and guidelines in order to ensure that the results obtained can be used as evidence in a court of law.

Best Evidence & DNA
Best evidence refers to providing the most accurate representation of physical evidence collected from a crime scene. This means collecting items listed on the chain-of-custody document completely unaltered so that it can be accurately presented in court (U.S Department of Justice 2020). DNA analysis has become increasingly popular for use at crime scenes due to its accuracy in identifying individuals associated with particular pieces of evidence. DNA samples can also help narrow down suspects by comparing them against existing databases for matches (U.S Department Of Justice 2020).
Chain of Custody
The chain-of-custody document is an essential part when conducting a crime scene search as it serves two purposes; firstly it provides documentation showing who handled each piece of evidence collected from the site and secondly it helps maintain accuracy by preventing any tampering with those items while they are being processed (U S Department Of Justice 2017 ). The document must list all persons involved with handling each item along with their contact information and job title so there is no doubt about how or where something was found during trial proceedings. When combined these two elements serve to ensure that any physical evidence gathered will be accepted as true and valid during legal proceedings.

Transient memory is the memory for a boost that goes on for a brief time (Carlson, 2001). In reasonable terms visual transient memory is frequently utilized for a relative reason when one can’t thoroughly search in two spots immediately however wish to look at least two prospects. Tuholski and partners allude to momentary memory similar to the attendant handling and stockpiling of data (Tuholski, Engle, and Baylis, 2001). They additionally feature the way that mental capacity can frequently be antagonistically impacted by working memory limit. It means quite a bit to be sure about the typical limit of momentary memory as, without a legitimate comprehension of the flawless cerebrum’s working it is challenging to evaluate whether an individual has a shortage in capacity (Parkin, 1996).


This survey frames George Miller’s verifiable perspective on transient memory limit and how it tends to be impacted, prior to bringing the examination state-of-the-art and outlining a determination of approaches to estimating momentary memory limit. The verifiable perspective on momentary memory limit


Length of outright judgment

The range of outright judgment is characterized as the breaking point to the precision with which one can distinguish the greatness of a unidimensional boost variable (Miller, 1956), with this cutoff or length generally being around 7 + 2. Mill operator refers to Hayes memory length try as proof for his restricting range. In this members needed to review data read resoundingly to them and results obviously showed that there was a typical maximum restriction of 9 when double things were utilized. This was regardless of the consistent data speculation, which has proposed that the range ought to be long if each introduced thing contained little data (Miller, 1956). The end from Hayes and Pollack’s tests (see figure 1) was that how much data sent expansions in a straight design alongside how much data per unit input (Miller, 1956). Figure 1. Estimations of memory for data wellsprings of various sorts and bit remainders, contrasted with anticipated results for steady data. Results from Hayes (left) and Pollack (right) refered to by (Miller, 1956)


Pieces and lumps

Mill operator alludes to a ‘digit’ of data as need might have arisen ‘to settle on a choice between two similarly probable other options’. In this manner a basic either or choice requires the slightest bit of data; with more expected for additional complicated choices, along a twofold pathway (Miller, 1956). Decimal digits are worth 3.3 pieces each, implying that a 7-digit telephone number (what is handily recollected) would include 23 pieces of data. Anyway an evident inconsistency to this is the way that, assuming an English word is worth around 10 pieces and just 23 pieces could be recollected then just 2-3 words could be recalled at any one time, clearly mistaken. The restricting range can all the more likely be figured out concerning the absorption of pieces into lumps. Mill operator recognizes pieces and lumps of data, the qualification being that a lump is comprised of various pieces of data. It is fascinating to take note of that while there is a limited ability to recall lumps of data, how much pieces in every one of those lumps can differ generally (Miller, 1956). Anyway it’s anything but a straightforward instance of having the memorable option enormous pieces right away, fairly that as each piece turns out to be more recognizable, it tends to be acclimatized

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