Randall Wraung has been a shift supervisor at the Granite County Detention Facility for the past three years. He was promoted to sergeant, performed patrol duties, had about ten years work experience in the sheriff’s office. Wraung enjoys taking new hires under, what he terms his “unofficial tutelage”, priding himself on the fact that he knows every aspect of the jail’s operations.
Wraung is supervising a newly hired deputy, Tom Sharpe, who is a graduate of the local university’s criminal justice program and, like all new hires, is initially assigned to detention. Sharpe finds Wraung to be an outspoken and interesting person. In their conversations about work in the jail, Wraung decides to give Tom some insights.
“I have some good advice for you, kid, and for anyone else going into this job.” Wraung continues, “First, try to get out of the jail and in to a patrol car as soon as you possibly can. Office politics are extremely bad in here, where you’re surrounded and watched by brass all of the time. Plus, you can’t use any of your university education or academy training inside, so you’ll want to get out on a patrol beat as soon as possible.”
“Second, I find that you have been realistic about your chances for having any positive influence with the scum who come through here. Oh, I’ve worked with lots of people who thought they could change the world in here. Me? Well, I’m a realist. Let’s face it. We get the people everyone else has given up on, so what can we be expected to do? I tell visitors that “we get the cream of the crap here”, and I mean it. Don’t set your expectations very high, and you won’t be disappointed. I have always been able to keep a good perspective. Hell, the top brass around here and the jail’s educational and industry programs even belong here.”
The job tends to get you down if you let it. I have found that you have to find a relief from all the frustrations you experience and the problems created by some of the SOBs who come through here. About once a week, the gang and I hold “choir practice” at a bar down the street. After about five or six beers, this place and the world look a helluva lot better. People who don’t work in corrections can’t understand the need to let off a little steam once in a while. Gladly, I am half way to being able to just retire and walk away from this place.”

1. Assume you are Wraung’s Lieutenant supervisor, and you overhear what he is saying to the new employee, Sharpe. What is your reaction and would you take any action against Wraung?
2. Suppose you are the new employee, Sharpe. What points that Wraung made do you agree with? What points do you disagree with?
3. Do you believe that type of cynicism is common in corrections? Should Wraung, with his years of service and promotions, continue to be a training officer? Explain.


Sample Solution

regard made strength in providing qualitative data accessible.
Then again, the word ‘concern’ wasn’t suggestible in each question, therefore not focused upon to influence answers. This made the advantage of forming a conclusion more viable.
However, by carrying out the interviews, advantages of using open questions resulted in rich and detailed data being collected.

What is more, differences arose within the result similarly. Participant 1 has no in-depth knowledge of the course only brief information known. Whereas participant 2 has previous experience from starting the course prior, therefore knowledge is apparent.

Weaknesses in the research was evident by the barrier that was found in relation to gathering results from each researcher, evident by only 2 interviews being conducted, transcribed and provided for thematic analysis within the time period.
What’s more, made the results limited and refutes the validity of them as more data could have been analysed and used to narrow down the themes.

Results were also different in the area of the age difference of the participants. More life experience was evident from one participant than the other.

The interviews were conducted before the adult learners had started t

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