Criminogenic on types of media

Discuss whether you feel that some types of media (films, books, electronic video games, for example) are more criminogenic than others or whether some content is more dangerous than other content.
Discuss the differences between cultures that appear to have large amounts of criminogenic media but small levels of copycat crime, such as Japan. Identify several countries that have higher levels of both, such as the United States. What might change in a culture to increase the copying of media portrayed crimes?
Why do you feel that the media often portrays law enforcement in a poor light rather than for their positive attributes?
How do crime shows portray police work? Is this helpful or harmful to the criminal justice system? Give examples.
Discuss how a trial by jury is a small-scale example of social constructionism.

Sample Solution

The media, in all its forms, is a significant contributor to social aggression and a good predictor of criminal activity as any other social factor. Criminal behavior is dictated by the interplay between static factors that are unchangeable (e.g., genetic predisposition, personality) and dynamic or changeable factors largely shaped by aspects of an offenders` environment and culture (e.g., anti-social attitudes, delinquent peers, situational triggers; Andrews & Bonta, 2003, 2006). Continuous playing of violent video game can be seen as one of many dynamic risk factors that shape behavior. Cultural technological changes such as video gaming, the internet, television, and film influence criminal behavior.

lucocorticoids (GC) are a class of corticosteroids, a relative of the steroid chemicals, and are blended inside the adrenal cortex (zona fasciculata). Steroidogenesis of GC’s is managed by unique circadian rhythms and upon stress prompted hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) hub initiation [REF 32]. Moreover, a scope of cycles are affected by GC’s including pressure reaction and irritation guideline, consolidated direct the “Survival” reaction and decrease the effect of a stressor instigated septic shock [REF]. These qualities make manufactured delivered, as well as regular happening Gc’s, an intriguing helpful treatment for various incendiary circumstances. The utilization of GC’s since the 1940 deals with side effects of constant fiery circumstances like rheumatoid joint pain [REF Buttgereit 2012 26-29.], asthma, skin diseases, visual contaminations, various sclerosis or as an immunosuppressant for patients following organ transplantation [REF]. It is assessed that at any one time, ~1% of the UK grown-up populace gets an oral GC treatment (REF van staa 2000 105-11].

Like all steroid chemicals, combination of GC’s requires the pervasive substrate, cholesterol. Inside the mitochondria of the zona fasciculata of the adrenal a stepwise compound controlled pathway prompts the development of Gc’s. Most proteins in the steroidogenesis pathway are either from the cytochrome P450 or hydroxystreoid dehydrogenases (HSDs) family and capability unidirectional. Free cholesterol, got from either anew blend or endogenous receptor interceded take-up, is shipped towards the mitochondria and tie to the streroidogenic intense administrative protein (StAR) that intervenes the cholesterol development into the mitochondria. Here, P450scc, encoded by CYP11A1, starts the most important phase in steroidogenesis, change of cholesterol into pregnenolone. This rate restricting step is vital for the last result, as displayed in mice, both a decrease in substrate as well as hindrance of CYP11A1 brings about a lower maximal GC yield [REF APOA1, SR-BI KO]. Then, as summed up in Figure XX, the transformation of pregnenolone prompts the arrangement of the glucocorticoids; cortisol in people and corticosterone in mice [REF]

Steroidogenesis of GC’s is started upon stressor initiated actuation of the HPA pivot, accordingly followed by the arrival of pituitary organ determined adenocorticotropic chemical (ACTH) [REF]. ACTH ties to the G¬s-coupled melanocortin-2 receptor, present on adrenal cortex cell layer, bringing about a moment increment of cytoplasmic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) [REF]. The principal capability of adrenal cAMP is controlling the outflow of CYP11A1 (P450ssc) in this manner directing the steroidogenesis. Adjacent to this vital job, cAMP is engaged with different pathways related with the steroidogenesis, including, excitement of HMGCOA reductase amalgamation for again cholesterol creation, expanding hereditary articulation of qualities engaged with the receptor interceded cholesterol take-up course (SR-BI/LDLr), and animating articulation of HSL and hindering articulation of ACAT, consequently expanding the accessibility of FC for the combination.

Activity of GC’s is transduced through its limiting to the GC receptor (GCr), present on the cell film, this starts movement of the GCr towards the core where it triggers genomic systems explored by Kadmiel et al [REF 33]. Any awkwardness in the plasma levels of GC could bring about neurotic issues known as separately, Addison’s illness (low plasma GC) or Cushing’s disorder (high plasma GC) [REF]

Since GC’s are strong particles that impact various pathways, adequate input components are required. One of with is the direct inhibitory job by GC’s on the statement of corticotropin-delivering factor (CRF) in the mind, supressing the excitement of ACTH combination [REF].


In spite of the significance in mammalian physiology irregularity in the circling cholesterol levels ensnared in numerous illnesses, for example, malignant growth [REF Montero 2008], diabetes mellitus type 2 [REF Cho 2009], and Alzheimer’s sickness (AD) [REF arispe 2002 Shobab 2005]. Among

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