Critical debate of the strengths and limitations and management issues


Enable students to demonstrate a critical understanding of the main theoretical principles underlying the management and practice of health-related social marketing within a health improvement context.

The proposal should include discussion of:

 What is social marketing for health and why is it considered a useful approach to health-related behaviour change

 The key concepts and principles underpinning social marketing for health and the application to a chosen intervention.

 Appropriate methodologies and planning processes/tools for developing health improvement related social marketing interventions.

 An outline plan for a proposed social marketing intervention.

 The strengths and limitations of using social marketing as an approach within
health improvement.

 The management issues associated with the use of social marketing for
It is expected that discussion of these points will include:

 Critical analysis of the application and management of social marketing techniques and principles in a health improvement context .

 Critical analysis of the systematic process of developing, planning and managing health-related social marketing interventions.

 Critical debate of the strengths and limitations and management issues associated with the use of a social marketing approach to tackling key health improvement issues.


Sample Solution

Critical debate of the strengths and limitations and management issues

Marketing, besides education and enforcement, is a strategy to change behavior. The most important question for commercial marketers is: “What can we do to persuade people to buy our products?” Social marketing is an approach to change health behaviors. Social marketing is an approach to persuade people to accept ideas and attitudes, perform healthy behaviors, refer to health facilities, and receive health products. Social marketing uses behavioral, persuasion, and exposure theories to target changes in health risk behavior. Social cognitive theory based on response consequence (of individual behavior), observational learning, and behavioral modelling is widely used.

racteristics, the experience, individual characteristics and abilities of the pioneer, and the third are part attributes, the inspiration, expertise and experience levels of gathering individuals (Chelladurai and Madella, 2006). The situational attributes and part qualities have a necessary way of behaving to guarantee most extreme gathering execution, they additionally have a favored way of behaving to guarantee the fulfillment of gathering individuals, assuming that the pioneers genuine way of behaving matches both the expected way of behaving and favored conduct of the circumstance the result is greatest gathering execution and fulfillment. Nonetheless, in the event that the gathering are not performing and accomplishing objectives or are not fulfilled or both, then the pioneer can change their genuine way of behaving to work on this. Pioneers ready to screen execution and fulfillment, and figure out what is expected to revise going on will accomplish ideal gathering execution in Chelladurai’s model. The one limit of Chealldurai’s model is that it accepts the pioneer is in a place of complete positional control over the gathering, and can execute any initiative style fitting their personal preference without requirements. Positional power is the power and impact a pioneer has over a gathering, assuming the pioneer has positional power, they will actually want to carry out the initiative style they best see fit for the circumstance. Positional power can’t be estimated or measured, making it profoundly vague and difficult for a pioneer to comprehend whether they have it or how then can acquire it. It turns into the obligation of the association to have strategies set up to give pioneers some positional power, typically by laying out a reasonable hierarchal construction. By laying out a progressive system, the pioneer is seen by the gathering to have the option to set expectations and expect consistence from them giving the pioneer real power (French and Raven, 1959). Besides, by furnishing the pioneer with the capacity to compensate consistence and rebuff resistance from the gathering, the pioneer has reward and coercive power (French and Raven, 1959). To acquire total control over the gathering the pioneer should acquire the trust and conviction of the gathering that they are fit for progress, by guaranteeing the gathering are both fulfilled and meeting execution objectives. The significance of laying out an order became clear during the arranging phase of the open air administration course for the red group, the organizers inside the group accepted positions of authority however couldn’t acquire positional power because of the group being a friend bunch (Pettinger, 2007). The pioneers chose had little power and impact over the gathering as everybody was seen to have similar position, status and occupation, thus the pioneers had none of French and Ravens five bases of force (Pettinger, 2007). The outcome was pioneers with no positional control over the gathering, so couldn’t immediate the gathering with the technique for authority expected for the circumstance. The errand had critical limitations, especially a brief period of time and an enormous gathering size, for

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