Critical Essay


View Black in America: Touch the Sky, and then craft a critical essay using the questions below to guide your writing.

1) Using a maximum of two sentences, state the main idea or the thesis driving this documentary.

2) Briefly summarize the documentary. What evidence is used to support the theories/arguments put forth? In other words, discuss the arguments put forth using the language and main concepts from the documentary. Explain with specific examples.

3) How did the documentary relate to material covered in the class? Explain how the ideas from the documentary connect to ideas and theories that we’ve discussed so far. Be sure you make specific references to authors, concepts, and theories from our readings, citing the chapters you discuss. You must incorporate at least 5 of the assigned chapters from the unit.

4) Did you enjoy the documentary? Hate it? Explain. Here is your chance to vent (or let me know that this is the best thing you’ve ever watched)! Tell me why you think this is a masterpiece or disaster. Did the filmmaker make points that you agree with? Disagree with?

5) Write three discussion questions about this documentary. What would you like to ask the filmmaker? Do you have any questions for any of the people in the documentary?

Remember to answer each question fully, providing details and rich explanations of your views. Please carefully proofread your essay before submitting. The essay you submit should be about 750-1000 words (Times New Roman or Arial, 12 pt font, double space, standard margins, APA or ASA format), and must incorporate relevant concepts and theories from the Inequality Reader. Refer to specific authors, specific readings, and specific concepts from the readings, citing all relevant chapters. Don’t forget to use in-text citations and create a references page. Please note that the Grusky and Hill book is an edited volume. You should cite and reference the authors of the chapters, rather than the editors of the volume. Please number your responses and organize your essay into paragraphs. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Please reference from the book below only for chapters 4-(p. 27-30), 43-(p. 276-282), 44-(p. 282-289), 47-(p. 304-308), 48-(p. 308-314), 49-(p. 314-318), 45-(p. 289-298), and chapter 57-(p. 329-334). When referencing in the essay please include the PAGE NUMBER from where it is referencing from.
Grusky, D. B., & Hill, J. (2018). Inequality in the 21st century: A Reader. Boulder, Co: Westview Press.

Please use the link below for the video.
if you can not view the video the transcript it attached along with the chapters.

Sample Solution

he answer to the issues with these two kinds of lives lies in the life of examination. Aristotle’s contention begins his contention with his explanation that people qualify themselves from straightforward creatures due to our capacity to work out “reasonable idea.” While creatures live the

basic existence of delight, people can ground their requirement for joy in the outside world. While a touching creature can be glad by being uninvolved, people needs to fulfill their requirement for objectivity. The hybrid of satisfaction and soundness lies in consideration. Thought depends on profound reflection, which must be executed with comprehension for oneself and how the outside world interfaces with oneself. Coming back to the case of individuals with nourishment enslavement, reasonable considerations implies that they esteem the target wellbeing assessment of the outside world. This judiciousness would make individuals look for help so as to stay solid and accomplish satisfaction. “Bliss expands, at that point, only so far as consideration does, and those to whom thought all the more completely has a place are all the more genuinely cheerful” (Nicomachean Ethics: X, 8). While an existence of delight would satisfy individuals at the times of eating the nourishment, their lives all in all would not qualify as upbeat. Be that as it may, in the event that they had the option to continually think judiciously and better themselves dependent on the capacity on the untouchables’ sentiment, they can without much of a stretch battle their future wellbeing hardships. Pleasurable exercises are not, at this point seen as potential “closes,” rather, they are tiny pieces of an actual existence in any case brimming with thought. At last, an existence of thought joins the inward and outer needs and needs of an individual. The individual is not, at this point blinded by the self image driven, transient bliss, rather the individual can follow up on close to home issues from an outer and, along these lines, reasonable viewpoint.

In the wake of setting up that a cheerful life relies upon private and open components of thought, Aristotle likewise poses the inquiry whether satisfaction is relative. To a wiped out individual, bliss compares with wellbeing, though a destitute individual may expect that cash will bring the person in question joy. At the end of the day, what comprises bliss is according to the onlooker. It isn’t astounding that the words for “satisfaction” in various dialects have various historical backgrounds. In

French, “heureux” originates from the Latin “augurium” (or “soothsaying” in English). The German word for “bliss” is “Glück” which is a related of the English word for “karma.” Other European dialects comparatively liken joy with karma. In Russian, “счастье” originates from the Proto-Slavic word for “sharing something great.” Even in the hour of Aristotle, the word for “joy”, “εὐδαιµονία (eudaimonia),” could be deciphered likewise as by and large achievement, government assistance, or “human thriving”, and etymologically, it truly signifies “great soul.” One must comprehend the particular exactness of language so as to completely retain Aristotle’s actual translation of joy and the methods for accomplishing it. Envision the disarray of an interpreter who needs to communicate the idea of “satisfaction” in these various dialects.

In the twenty-first century, just because, it is conceivable, on account of web based life, to see exactly and measure what satisfaction and prosperity mean for billions of individuals who share their background on line. Various investigations have taken a gander at the various kinds of satisfaction (just as trouble) communicated via web-based networking media outlets, for example, Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr.

From a mental perspective, one potential meaning of joy is “fulfillment with one’s life” (cf. Haybron, 2003). He especially accentuates that “life fulfillment” is a longitudinal idea that covers an all-inclusive timeframe. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy recognizes two faculties of: “A perspective” and “An actual existence that works out positively for the individual lead

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