Critical thinking



Beaty, J. (2014). Observing the Development of Young Children, (8th edition). New Jersey: Pearson.

Tobin, J., Hsueh, Y., & Kurasawa, M. (2009). Preschool in Three Cultures Revisited. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. *INCLUDED IN THE ADDITIONAL MATERIALS*

Preschool Comparison Paper

Short Paper:
Once you have read the entire Preschool in Three Cultures book, you will submit a paper that reflects on the ways that culture influence preschool education.
Cultural values affect: class size/ratio, curriculum, rules, teacher’s behaviors and activities. Write a brief paper (about 5 double-spaced pages typed) that includes the following sections:

1) Describe a typical day in the US preschool classrooms that we learned about.

2) Use Tobin’s approach to discuss how American values influence: class size/ratio
teacher’s behaviors activities

3) Select 2 of the features listed above. Compare and contrast these features of the US classrooms with the Chinese and Japanese schools described in the book. (For example, describe class size that is typical of US classrooms well as class size in the Chinese/Japanese schools you read about. Discuss how culture determines class size/ratio in both the American school and the non- American schools.




Sample Solution

CT usage is utilization on information and communication technologies in daily life (Hagsten, 2014). Abdishakur Yusuf (2013) mention that, in order to determine the scale of ICT usage and adoption, it was necessary to ascertain the extent of general ICT uptake so that the level of expertise and possible expectations could be gauged. 2.2.3 ICT Competencies ICT competencies can be regarded as a special vocational prerequisite, a set of performance standards, and also the ability to complete tasks (Sandberg & Pinnington 2009). 2.2.4 ICT Capabilities ICT capabilities enable to use ICT effectively and appropriately to access, create and communicate information and ideas, solve problems and work collaboratively (Lew Sok Leng, 2017). 2.3 Firm performance Performance is considering ICT impact for efficiency, effectiveness, competitiveness, and intangible benefits (Liang, You, Liu, 2010; Consoli, 2012; Santos, Brito, 2012; Bayo-Moriones, Billon, Lera-Lopez, 2013). Firm performance is a capability of an organization to produce desired results. In business, firm performance measure of how well a small and medium enterprise achieves its purpose. It also is making a judgment on how organization achieves its purpose. It is a resultant of how the organization is managed to as to create value for customers and other stakeholders. This can be viewed financially and competitively resulting to the growth of business.(Kimutai & Nairobi, 2016). In the late nineties, the publication in the literature of a variety of modeling, testing and the use of different measurement scales generated business performance in the first instance, a major contribution to the analys

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