Culture of excellence in nursing.

You currently serve as a nursing member of a Practice Excellence Committee. The administration has proposed a new bar code system for medication retrieval by nurses at the bedside. The purpose of the new system is to decrease medication errors by providing nurses with an opportunity to retrieve medications at the bedside where clients and family members can ask questions and receive immediate feedback. At the beginning of the shift, each nurse will checkout a medication box based on assigned clients. Once medications are verified, scanned and removed nurses can send text messages from the bar code scanner to pharmacy should questions or concerns arise.


In the current medication retrieval system, the nurse must take a computer with client medication information to a central dispensing area and wait in line at the electronic medication dispensary for medications then return to the client’s bedside for administration. Hospital leaders are excited since the new beside bar code medication retrieval system is in response to a needs assessment of client and employee satisfaction survey data trended over three years and work by a consulting firm which identified the need after as six month observation period for employee behaviors related to medication administration.

Today is the launch of the new system. You presented the new, proposed innovation at a medical employee staff meeting attended by nurses, pharmacists, physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, physical therapists, and respiratory therapists. Attendees received information including data summary supporting the change, a summary of the proposed change with equipment demonstration and proposed implementation plan including timeline and employee expectations for adoption.

During the implementation portion of the presentation, a few employees voiced concerns and disrupted the meeting. You lost focus and felt defeated after the presentation; you thought the entire interprofessional team would be excited about the innovative medication administration system. Unfortunately, many nurses left the meeting before the entire implementation plan had been discussed expressing emotional outbursts with outward negativity toward the proposed innovative change.

To facilitate this change and address concerns you scheduled another meeting one month later in a town hall format with only nursing staff invited to attend. Before this meeting, you plan to create a Facts and Questions (FAQ) document based on three priority areas of concerns you noted from the first meeting. You plan to disperse the FAQ document in an email to invited nursing staff one week before the town hall as a way to “break the ice.”

Create a professional email with an attached FAQ document which provides a detailed and succinct response to each question below and promotes a culture of excellence.

Why do we need this change?
Include a relevant example as supporting rationale with support from credible resources.
Demonstrate how your response promotes a culture of excellence.
What we currently use works well, why change now?
Include a relevant example as supporting rationale with support from credible resources.
Demonstrate how your response promotes a culture of excellence.
Honestly, as a nurse, how will this new piece of equipment help me better perform my professional role?
Include a relevant example as supporting rationale with support from credible resources.


Sample Solution

ince there have been various different ways to deal with the term risk taking, the work to characterize it and its instructive reasoning have changed such a lot of that examination on student contrasts has not come to a brought together clarification of the term yet. Regardless of this reality, one of the most broad meanings of chance taking is tracked down in the expressions of Beebe, one of the main analysts in the field. In her examination of hazard taking, she mindfully catches the greater part of its fundamental qualities. She portrays the term as a “circumstance where an individual needs to go with a choice including decision between options of different allure; the result of the determination is unsure; there is plausible of disappointment” (Beebe, 1983, p.39). Her meaning of hazard taking resounds with the perceptions of different creators, for instance, Wen and Clément’s vulnerability of outcomes and the selection of activities referenced by Bem. Beebe (1983) doesn’t understandably explain the educational ramifications of hazard taking; in spite of the fact that, from her meaning of the term, educators and students can presume that the gamble of being correct or wrong, for example disappointment, is innate to figuring out how to communicate in a subsequent language.

From every one of the details of the gamble taking build checked on up until this point, we can express that hazard taking is certainly not a disconnected develop however is firmly connected with other central student factors, for example, homeroom support and readiness to convey in a subsequent language. What ought to be featured from the writing on risk taking is that this term requires exchange between the student and the choices that he makes, his readiness to partake, and the instructive setting.

Most certainly the meanings of chance taking have likewise made research represent the specific characteristics that a daring individual ought to have. As to the necessities that students need to meet to be expected daring people, one of the most impressive reports compares to Ely’s aspects. As per Ely’s (as refered to in Alshalabi, 2003) first aspect, daring people are not dubious about using a recently experienced phonetic part. The subsequent aspect alludes to daring individuals’ ability to utilize semantic parts apparent to be convoluted or troublesome. As per Alshalabi (2003) this aspect explains why daring people extend levels of resilience towards unclearness and uncertainty to the degree in which a complicated or new circumstance doesn’t actually show an issue of worry for them. The third and fourth aspects make sense of separately how daring people become lenient toward conceivable mistake or error in using the language and how they are leaned to practice another part quietly prior to endeavoring to utilize it out loud. Hongwei (1996) specifies that this practice issue, by and by, is additionally talked about by other\g scientists who trust that earlier readiness prior to creating expressions might hamper risk taking. Without a doubt, mental readiness is said to

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