Current problem or issue in health care



Write a 4-6 page analysis of a current problem or issue in health care, including a proposed solution and possible ethical implications.

1. Describe the health care problem or issue you selected for use in Assessment 2 and provide details about it.
o Explore your chosen topic. For this, you should use the first four steps of the Socratic Problem-Solving Approach to aid your critical thinking. This approach was introduced in Assessment 2.
o Identify possible causes for the problem or issue.
2. Use scholarly information to describe and explain the health care problem or issue and identify possible causes for it.
o Identify at least three scholarly or academic peer-reviewed journal articles about the topic.

Sample Solution

Details about the problem or issue:

Disparities in access to quality healthcare refer to the differences in healthcare services and outcomes that exist between different groups of people. These disparities can be based on factors such as race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and geographic location.

Disparities in access to quality healthcare can lead to a number of negative consequences, including:

  • Increased risk of illness and death: People who have limited access to healthcare are more likely to experience preventable illnesses and deaths.
  • Poorer health outcomes: People who have limited access to healthcare are more likely to experience poor health outcomes, even when they do have access to care.
  • Reduced quality of life: People who have limited access to healthcare are more likely to have a lower quality of life due to their health problems.

Possible causes of disparities in access to quality healthcare:

There are a number of factors that can contribute to disparities in access to quality healthcare, including:

  • Insurance coverage: People who are uninsured or underinsured are more likely to have limited access to healthcare.
  • Financial barriers: People who have low incomes may face financial barriers to accessing healthcare, such as the cost of copays, deductibles, and out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Geographic barriers: People who live in rural or underserved areas may face geographic barriers to accessing healthcare, such as the lack of healthcare providers or the distance to the nearest clinic or hospital.
  • Cultural barriers: People from certain cultural groups may face cultural barriers to accessing healthcare, such as language barriers or beliefs about healthcare.

Scholarly information about disparities in access to quality healthcare:

The following are three scholarly articles about disparities in access to quality healthcare:

  1. Williams, D. R., & Cooper, S. L. (2016). The health gap: The challenge of an unequal world. Oxford University Press.

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the causes and consequences of disparities in access to quality healthcare. It also discusses potential solutions to this problem.

  1. Braveman, P., & Gottlieb, L. (2014). The social determinants of health: It’s time to take the bull by the horns. New England Journal of Medicine, 370(17), 1699-1701.

This article discusses the role of social determinants of health, such as poverty, education, and housing, in contributing to disparities in access to quality healthcare. It also calls for action to address these social determinants of health.

  1. Shi, L., & Singh, G. K. (2014). Racial and ethnic disparities in access to healthcare. New England Journal of Medicine, 371(3), 229-232.

This article discusses the evidence on racial and ethnic disparities in access to healthcare. It also discusses potential solutions to this problem.

Proposed solution to disparities in access to quality healthcare:

One proposed solution to disparities in access to quality healthcare is to expand access to health insurance. This could be done by expanding Medicaid eligibility or by creating a public option for health insurance.

Another proposed solution is to address the social determinants of health. This could be done by investing in education, housing, and other social programs that improve people’s health and well-being.

Finally, it is important to increase cultural competency among healthcare providers. This could be done by training healthcare providers on how to provide culturally sensitive care to people from different cultural groups.

Possible ethical implications of the proposed solution:

One ethical implication of the proposed solution is that it would cost money. However, the cost of disparities in access to quality healthcare is already high, both in terms of human suffering and in terms of healthcare costs.

Another ethical implication is that the proposed solution would require some changes to the way that healthcare is delivered in the United States. For example, expanding access to health insurance would require changes to the current healthcare system.

Overall, the proposed solution to disparities in access to quality healthcare is likely to have positive ethical implications. It would improve the health and well-being of millions of people, and it would reduce the cost of healthcare in the United States.


Disparities in access to quality healthcare are a major problem in the United States. These disparities can lead to a number of negative consequences, including increased risk of illness and death, poorer health outcomes, and reduced quality of life.

There are a number of factors that can contribute to disparities in access to quality healthcare

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