Current trends in leadership and facilitation


Review and critique current trends in leadership and facilitation, in the context of your specialty evaluate how you have led and facilitated a staff member or group

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nd the focus of this report will be based around the main component parts and how they function individually and/or together. They must be optimized as a closed loop system to meet the required user performance requirements for the motorbike’s intended purpose [7].

Figure 1: UoN Electric Superbike – an “Electrical Energy Conditioning and Control” system [5]

A racing electric motorbike design can be demanding as the chassis, batteries, motor and power converter can have a significant impact on the overall weight of the design hence optimisation is key when doing the design. Several batteries are required to achieve the required voltage. For higher voltages, several batteries must be placed in series as higher voltages result in a lower current hence lower losses and higher overall efficiency. To handle higher voltages, bigger coils are required in a motor which inherently increases the size. The motor and drive efficiency are also an important factor in the optimization of the system [7] and there is a need for improved technology, for example, exploring current technology options and improving it or coming up with something new to make the batteries & motor smaller and reliable with a longer range. Optimisation makes the racing platform agile and nimble, with the ability to accelerate quickly out of turns and lightweight as a heavier bike requires more acceleration energy.

Researchers are constantly looking into ways of making the motorbike lightweight and fast so as it becomes appealing to racing corporations interested in racing electric motorbikes through optimisation.


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