Explain the overall research topic – Cybersecurity in healthcare
Literature gathering process.
The scope and the healthcare sector of the literature review.
The introduction should conclude with a paragraph that describes the sequence of the literature you will include and the literature analysis process.
Cybersecurity in healthcare is a research topic that has been gaining increasing attention in recent years as the threat of cyber-attacks continues to grow and healthcare organizations become increasingly reliant on digital systems. The aim of this literature review is to gain an overview of current research into cybersecurity in healthcare, with particular focus on the scope, context and challenges faced by these organisations.
The gathering process for the relevant literature was undertaken through searches of key databases such as MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO and CINAHL Plus, using keywords related to cyber security in health care. Additional searches were also conducted for books or reports specific to this area either published or unpublished via Google Scholar; additionally searching other sources including government websites (e.g., The U.S Department of Health & Human Services) was also integral for gathering additional resources. All retrieved documents were then read and assessed for relevance based on inclusion/exclusion criteria which included publications within the last 5 years which directly addressed topics related to cyber security risks in health care and their implications from both theoretical and practical perspectives.
This search yielded just over 1000 titles across diverse areas such as journals articles, conference proceedings and industry reports spanning a range of countries including US, UK and Australia among others; however most studies focused primarily on US-based healthcare entities due to their advanced use of technology compared with other countries (Hussain et al., 2019). A variety of themes emerged from these sources relating specifically to cyber threats posed by external actors such as hackers but also internal actors like employees (Wang et al., 2016). Regarding contexts explored, much attention was paid towards understanding how policies can be designed more effectively along with a general shift towards ‘cyber resiliency’ rather than purely preventative strategies (McPherson et al., 2017). In sum therefore, this review provides a comprehensive overview outlining current trends relating to risk management approaches amongst clinical settings operating digital technologies worldwide.
herself. Prewriting is where the audience will be decided- are we writing to a younger audience or an older audience? It is very important that the writer takes their time in the prewrite as this is where most of the work for the rest of the writing goes into (Kelly).
Drafting is often many peoples least favorite part in the writing process- usually because this is where the writing itself comes in. Although this step appears to be the most tedious- it usually ends up being the fastest step in the writing process. When writing your first draft, you discover how much research you’ve done, how much you’ve learned and if you need to research a little more. Successful rough drafts allow for the writer to be more decisive in the final writing and publication (Elbow p 142). Once a writer has put their researched information into the draft, they can begin to form sentences and paragraphs- even if they are not grammatically correct. It’s also recommended that writers read what they have written- then judge and decide if they were able to say what they were trying to say, correctly or how they wanted. A rough draft is a great place to start with peer review.
Revision is the step where the writer with make amends or corrections to their writing. Thorough writers will go through their writing multiple times to revise before moving onto the editing and proofreading. There is a difference between revision and editing however: revising removes, adds, moves and substitutes words while editing includes capitalization, punctuation, usage and spelling. The idea of “starting large and ending small” is a great way to look at revision and editing. When it comes to editing, we often rely on grammar checkers, thesauruses, and spell check. Although these resources are extr