Question 4 – Theory (15 marks)
(a) Briefly explain any three data analysis and presentation software.
(b) List any five issues faced by a data analyst in the process of analyzing the data.
(c) Briefly explain Google Colab. Use Python and any dataset of your choice and explain one example (analysis/visualization) done using Colab.
Data analysis and presentation software
Data analytics are extremely important. They improve decision-making, increase accountability, benefit financial health, and help employees predict losses and monitor performance. However, achieving these benefits is easier said than done. There are several challenges that can impede data analyst`s ability to process of analyzing the data. With today`s data-driven organizations and the introduction of big data, risk managers and other employees are often overwhelmed with the amount of data that is collected. An organization may receive information on every incident and interaction that takes place on a daily basis, leaving analysts with thousands of interlocking data sets.
of mind to one excluding mental, we deduct the importance of experience in understanding a phenomenon. Jackson explains that “mental states are inefficacious in respect to the physical world” (Jackson). Qualia only impact other mental states rather than physical states. Jackson reiterates this by providing three reasons. The first being causality. Just because A follows B does not mean B can follow A. The B follows A hypothesis can be refuted by proving there is a common underlying causal process for each distinct effect. Second, Jackson uses evolution to prove his dualism. Polar bears have evolved to have a thick coat. This thickness makes the coat heavy. Thus, the polar bears experience what it is like to carry a heavy coat. This is clearly not conducive to survival. Therefore, from Darwin’s Theory we know that any evolved characteristics are either conducive to survival or a by-product of an evolutionary action that is conducive to survival. Jackson uses this support his argument against physicalism: “qualia are a by-product of certain brain processes that are conducive to survival” (Jackson). Third, Jackson emphasizes the relationships between how we know our minds through behavior. We only know about others’ minds through observing their behavior. So, we must ask: how can a person’s behavior accurately reflect that he has qualia unless they conclude that behavior is an outcome of qualia? This gives rise to the main weakness of Jackson’s view – there is no proper evidence for the refutation of epiphenomenal qualia. Another weakness of Jackson’s view is the lack of clarity of source. Where do these qualia come from? If not physical, then where? This brings into questions spirits and “upper powers,” such as God, the existence of which are heavily debated in the scientific community. Despite this, the validity of dualism (and the lack of proving dualism to be incorrect), is a strong argument and will continue to allow Jackson’s argument to be considered valid. Because Jackson clearly refutes any existence of physicalism in his explanation of phenomenal qualia, and his argument is overall less problematic than the arguments of his opponents, I align more with Jackson’s knowledge argument than that of Lewis. Until the existence of the actual physical matter behind “what it is like” information is found, Jackson’s argument proves to be more valid than that of Lewis. Although I would like to think that everything involving humans can be linked back to the brain, I do believe that some things may never be explained.