Data collection techniques


Writing a short Questionnaire

By this time, you will have a good knowledge of data collection techniques and the measurement questions and instruments. Develop a good questionnaire based on the chapters from the textbook (module 5-9). The questionnaire must have all types of questions you studied in the chapters, e.g. Dichotomous (Yes/ No), Multichotomous (MCQ), Check List, Ranking & Rating Scale as well as Open-ended questions. Minimum 20 questions should be included in the questionnaire (mentioning the type of question). The logical sequence must be maintained and the ideal format and basic guidelines must be adhered.


Sample Solution


Social insurance in America

When talking about the national medicinal services emergency in America, we should specify, President Roosevelt (1912), whose proposition included health care coverage and President Truman, who pushed the thought for a national wellbeing plan for all Americans during his administration and picked up steam (Anderson, 2018). A half year into President Truman administration, he composed a letter to Congress requesting that they make a medical coverage plan open for all Americans (Anderson, 2018). Truman’s vision for this wellbeing inclusion plan for Americans would pay for standard costs, for example, specialist and emergency clinic visits, lab administrations, dental consideration and nursing administrations (Anderson, 2018). Truman had no clue what might come about this push, however he realized that America had an issue and a conceivable arrangement so this activity (push) is what’s required. This being an intense move during this time and Truman’s drive for the theme appeared to be radical. In spite of the fact that, Truman was fruitlessly, the thought still remained, there was as yet an incredible need since two decades later a bill was marked into law for wellbeing inclusion, even after President Kennedy bombed endeavor (Anderson, 2018).

The policymaking procedure in America is a constant cycle of motivation setting, plan, execution, and assessment. How about we quickly talk about these four stages to see how and why Medicare Part D has turned out to be so effective.

Beaufort Longest says all that needs to be said, “plan setting is a vital beginning advance in the policymaking procedure, it depict manners by which a specific mixes of issues, potential arrangements, and political conditions develop and advance to the following stage (Longest, 2016, p. 87). Remember this; anybody can blueprint and review a proposed bill, anyway no one but Congress can present it as a bill. A native that is subsidiary with an intrigue gathering can see a need that is useful to their neighbor, companion, or potentially relative, creates a rundown in detail clarifying the issue and arrangement with conceivable elective arrangements. Given to a congress part, they at that point become patrons of the bill and acquaint it with Congress. At some random time there can be a wide range of issues or issues, goals, or changes to current guideline relating to wellbeing.

The subsequent stage is detailing; in this stage the bill experiences deliberately exhorted steps by the government for advancement in enactment called the administrative procedure. The administrative procedure is a progression of steps the bill experiences to move toward becoming law. The will be alluded to a panel in the House or Senate that will audit the bill and either pass it a subcommittee if need be or execute it. The board of trustees or subcommittee has the alternative to make changes to the bill in the wake of performing investigative examination and research. On the off chance that the bill pass and the panel or subcommittee decides on its suggestions the bill will at that point become a nitty gritty composed report, depicting the aim and effect on existing laws and guidelines. Floor move is then made where congress discussion and spot their vote to acknowledge, reject, or make changes to. In the definition stage is the place numerous bills kick the bucket in view of the thorough advances it must pass. In the event that the bill still stands, rather revised or not by the House or Senate, it is sent to the President for conclusive activities. On the off chance that the President rejects a bill, the bill still gets an opportunity since Congress can endeavor to invert the veto, requiring a 66% move call vote of present individuals.

After the thorough procedure of getting to be law, the third stage is execution. Actualizing law requires the board and assessment everything being equal, spending plans and different assets that empower accomplishment of the objectives and motivation behind the law. It’s compulsory that we survey and examination the advancement or absence of advancement that happens when rolling out an open improvement. Administrative and state governments relegate or at times make offices, associations and offices whose sole intention is to do, keep up and enliven the decided reason for the law. During the execution stage the law can change the physical and social condition individuals live and work in, individuals may encounter conduct changes, and unquestionably the accommodation of wellbeing administrations. Contingent upon the discoveries the bill can present different issues and should be corrected, which is the reason the policymaking procedure is a consistent cycle. On the off chance that issues emerge or the law is ineffective in satisfying its motivation, at that point change will occur or the law will never again be a law.

Decades really taking shape, Medicare as we probably am aware it day is the most prevalent national government health care coverage program since it gives advantages to America’s natives matured 65 or more established (Gapenski and Reiter, 2016). Numerous Americans are ignorant of who marked Medicare into law; President Johnson marked into law the bill that prompted Medicare and Medicaid on July 30, 1965; and what is alluded to as the “First Medicare” comprised of just Part A, which is emergency clinic protection, and Part B, which is therapeutic Insurance (CSM, 2018). People, who fit the bill for Medicare inclusion gets access to doctors, emergency clinics or facilities, and other claim to fame specialists that acknowledges Medicare by paying an expense for each administration—making Medicare a charge for-administration plan. A thought that took numerous years to make was at last satisfied, from President Roosevelt’s foundation to President Johnson’s mark making it a law.

The Evolution of Medicare

Getting a plan to progress toward becoming law isn’t a simple errand in America. America policymaking choice is an overwhelming procedure that will require incredible methodology, starting by recognizing demander and providers. In America, request and supply will prosper and advance any business. The best demander in wellbeing policymaking are demanders, these are efficient intrigue gatherings or associations whose sole intention is to accomplish their objective, by pooling together part assets and they are very effective in what they do with the best sway than just people alone. It communicates the idea that working altogether will create incredible gains in accomplishing result. Intrigue gatherings are utilized to represent the individuals and to connect the individuals with the administration. With Interest bunches as demanders, the legislature will supply or make a way, for example, passing a bill or law to satisfy the requested. When a thought demonstrates an extraordinary interest and supply it is then put on the motivation for exchange. Policymaking is a cycle of definition, execution, and alteration. This medicinal services plan is currently in the detailing stage, that is made out of two sections: motivation setting and improvement of enactment or bill.

Motivation setting is the beginning of enactment. The thought must represent an issue, have a conceivable arrangement and have potential political conditions. Check, check, and check; medicinal services moderateness will consistently be on the bleeding edge in America. Human services is a worry at that point that still stands genuine today.

At the time Medicare progressed toward becoming law seniors was the populace gathering living in neediness and about half were uninsured at the time (CSM, 2015). During the execution period of Medicare, the Social Security Administration (SSA) was rearranged and the Bureau of Health Insurance was built up on July 30, 1965 and by July 1, 1966 there were 19 million people selected (CSM, 2015). A long time later after the utilization of diagnostic instruments, Medicare made the alteration to stretch out its qualification to people under age 65 with long haul inabilities and to individuals living with end-organize renal malady (ESRD), and the procedure proceeds with executing the new adjustments until another change emerge in light of the fact that numerous variable emerge that can influence the present choice, similar to circumstances, inclinations of people, science, innovation, social and monetary.

Hitherto we have seen a thought show into law, Medicare has advanced hugely since Congress set up it in 1965. Throughout the years, Medicare has formed into four sections: Part A, which gives clinic and some gifted nursing office inclusion; Part B, which spreads doctor administrations, mobile careful administrations, and outpatient administrations; Part C, which is oversee care inclusion offered by private insurance agencies; Lastly, Part D, which spreads physician endorsed drugs (Gapenski and Reiter, 2016).

How is Medicare supported and how can it work?

Inside the United States Department of Health and Human Services is a government office that runs Medicare—Centers of Medicare and Medicaid (CSM). Medicare is subsidized by a level of citizens cash and by month to month premiums paid by beneficiaries or recipients, some more established recipients pay their month to month premiums by getting it retained from their Social Security checks. In America bosses and workers make good on regulatory expenses and consistently the administration directs how the assessments get is apportioned, but on the other hand how about we note that in 2015, there were 7.2 million Medicare recipients who were QMBs (qualified Medicare recipients), and Medicaid financing was being utilized to cover their Medicare premiums and cost-sharing, which is an extraordinary method to ease the heat off of American citizens (Anderson, 2018).

Concentrating on Part D

Unique Medicare, Part An and Part B doesn’t cover physician endorsed drugs, despite the fact that now and again medications, for example, immunosuppressive medications (for transplant patients) and oral enemy of disease medications are secured, however at case by case circumstances (eHealthInsurance Services, Inc. , 2018). Obamacare, otherwise called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) however frequently alluded to as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), was marked into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010. This demonstration has been a piece of the social insurance framework for as far back as seven years. It has added to making the entrance for medical coverage to all Americans simpler than at any other time. Trumpcare, otherwise called the American Health Care Act (AHCA), was passed by the House of Representatives on May fourth, 2017. Trumpcare is viewed as the new forthcoming social insurance plan. This examination paper will talk about the points of interest, disservices, likenesses and contrasts of both Obamacare and Trump. This paper will likewise be talking about the effect Obamacare and Trumpcare has had or will have on society.


Obamacare isn’t a medical coverage. The primary objective of Obamacare is to give improvement towards the entrance to medical coverage for United States natives and the nature of the human services framework and medical coverage industry. Obamacare additionally grows, improves and secures the rights that has a place with patients. Under the steady gaze of this law was marked, almost fifty million individuals in America didn’t have medical coverage due to being not able compensation the high costs that were required. When the law was marked, it was accounted for that the measure of individuals who didn’t have inclusion improved altogether. As indicated by a Gallup review, it was accounted for that the uninsured rate in American had dropped to eleven percent as of the primary quarter of 2016, which is the most reduced it has ever been all through the most recent eight years (Health Network Group, 2016). This demonstration was known to have the greatest working class tax reduction for social insurance in American history. Obamacare had the option to give inclusion and spare billions of dollars for the country’s most unfortunate, low-salary seniors, crippled residents and independent companies.

Focal points and Disadvantages of Obamacare

Obamacare executes advantages, rights and security for all Americans which improves the nature of medical coverage. In spite of the fact that it doesn’t give free medical coverage, this demonstration had the option to give everybody a similar chance to buy medical coverage. People were charged similar rates for similar administrations which means there was no imbalance dependent on sexual orientation, pay or wellbeing status. The costs being offered were requiring little to no effort and reasonable rate notwithstanding for the individuals who are presently at or underneath the destitution line (Zurcher, 2017). This demonstration ensures that guarantors and organizations can’t abuse their clients/laborers since they are qualified for having secured rights. Safety net providers have a farthest point on the amount they are permitted to spend on authoritative overhead and patients would get an allocated discount if the organization spends an unnecessary sum on official expense. They would be considered in charge of their activities and spending which gives patients more rights. Doctors are additionally being considered responsible for the nature of consideration that they provide for their patients which guarantees better and increasingly mindful consideration (Health Network Group, 2016).

Every health care coverage plan that was offered must have the option to cover ten fundamental advantages which incorporates mental medicinal services, maternity care and professionally prescribed prescription. The expense for physician endorsed medicine were diminished so individuals could manage the cost of the fundamental drug they required. Obamacare gives various advantages to a wide range of people. For instance, individuals with previous conditions couldn’t be denied access to medical coverage inclusion. For whatever length of time that you are secured under this demonstration, safety net providers won’t be permitted to drop you without notice or without explanation (Moscovitz, 2017).

Moreover, grown-up kids are allowed to stay secured by their parent’s arrangement until they arrive at the age of twenty-six and overrated social insurance data diminished due to brought together server farms. Insurance agencies can’t deny somebody from inclusion once they become wiped out in this manner they should give inclusion to wiped out individuals. Shockingly, this outcomes in expanding the expense of everybody’s protection (Kasier, H. 2017).

Obamacare Saved My Life

A republican malignant growth survivor named Jeff Genes was totally contradicted to Obamacare in light of the fact that he was not able completely get it. At the age of forty-nine, he was given a month and a half to live with a reparable kind of malignancy. He had previous conditions which made him depend on Obamacare so as to buy his own protection. The horrendous experience of being placed in a circumstance among life and passing changed his point of view on Obamacare. He came to comprehend the significance and advantages from this demonstration once he had acknowledged he really required it. Jeff expressed that on the off chance that it were not for Obama and his Affordable Care Act, he would have been dead. There are numerous natives who can identify with Jeff Gene’s story in light of the fact that without this demonstration they would not have had the option to manage and beat their medical issues (Ryan, 2017).


Trumpcare can be characterized as a social insurance change under Donald Trump. Trumpcare will likely annul and supplant parts of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Trump and Republicans in Congress expressed that they would nullify Obamacare inside the initial hundred days that Trump is in office. The advancement being made inside the procedure of cancelation shows activity behind their announcement (Alexander, 2017). The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act still stays as the law until the American Health Care Act is passed by the Senate and gets marked by current President Donald Trump. In spite of the fact that Obamacare has not been totally revoked under TrumpCare, there are some remarkable changes.

Points of interest and Disadvantages of Trumpcare

Trumpcare will have the option to lessen costs for the individuals who are not valued out of the market. This implies enormous bosses and the individuals who don’t depend on help could get less expensive plans. In spite of the fact that cash will be spared by cutting 800 and eighty billion from Medicaid and huge numbers of Obamacare’s duties, millions will lose their arrangements. On the off chance that and when a full nullification of Obamacare is passed, around twenty million or more individuals who are canvassed by Obamacare are in risk of losing their inclusion and cost help this year. Less Americans will approach medicinal services inclusion due to greater expense of health care coverage and never again having individual order. The destiny of the individuals who are secured by Obamacare will be resolved on the amount of Obamacare will be revoked and what will it be supplanted with. Under Trumpcare, youngsters between the ages of six and nineteen, in families who make between 100% to one-hundred and thirty-eight percent of destitution level, will have less access to wellbeing inclusion under Trumpcare than they as of now have under Obamacare (Wilts, 2017).

Likenesses among Obamacare and Trumpcare

There are a couple of likenesses among Obamacare and Trumpcare. The capacity of youthful grown-ups to stay underneath their parent’s arrangements until they arrive at the age of twenty-six will in any case stay as a result. Insurance agencies still would not be permitted to charge ladies more than men for a similar wellbeing plan. Another likeness between the two is that individuals with recently analyzed ailments can’t be denied protection inclusion. Under Obamacare, nobody with prior conditions can be denied inclusion or charged higher protection rates which additionally applies to Trumpcare. Nonetheless, there would be new necessities connected to this arrangement. In spite of the fact that previous conditions would be secured, state-based waivers can be utilized to avoid certain conditions from lifetime and yearly constrains. In this way, Trumpcare doesn’t totally wipe out the assurances on previous conditions however surely debilitates it (Alexander, 2017).

Contrasts among Obamacare and Trumpcare

There are a couple of contrasts among Obamacare and Trumpcare. Trumpcare needs to rescind the orders which means there is no expense for not getting inclusion despite the fact that the arrangement includes another charge of 30%. This applies to the individuals who need to reemerge the marker after not having inclusion for more than sixty-three days. This new charge implies bosses will never again need to give inclusion to full-time representatives (Zurcher, 2017).

Another distinction between the two is that rather than expense credits being offered dependent on pay like Obamacare, they will be founded on age under Trumpcare. Trumpcare will likewise defund Planned Parenthood which keeps them from tolerating Medicaid and restriction ladies from utilizing government duty credits to purchase an arrangement that spreads premature birth. Obamacare restricted back up plans to charge more seasoned Americans just multiple times the expense for more youthful Americans. Lamentably, under Trumpcare back up plans would be permitted to charge more established Americans five fold the amount of as more youthful Americans (Moscovitz, 2017). The sum would have the option to shift from state to state. This implies seniors who are not secured by Medicaid however are needing help could be considered in charge of paying higher protection arrangements.

Moreover, Obamacare proceeds to attest Medicaid extension permitted more low-salary families who earned short of what one hundred and thirty-eight percent of as far as possible to get secured. Obamacare made both bureaucratic and state commercial centers so as to make it simpler for natives to murmur up for government-sponsored plans. Be that as it may, Trumpcare needs to annul the extension financing of Medicaid (Wilts, 2017). Under Trumpcare, states can support their Medicaid programs in per-capita or square gives. Social insurance suppliers will likewise be in danger of losing numerous patients which could cause a human services supplier emergency.


Obamacare has improved the moderateness and nature of private and general medical coverage through new arrangements to ensure buyers, charges, necessities, sponsorships, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. This incorporates protections never again having the option to deny patients for prior conditions or being permitted to drop their c


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