Decision making models



Research three different decision making models. Compare them in your post. Propose a practical application from your study of the models.
Select three of the motivational theories discussed in this week’s material. Compare their similarities and differences. Propose a practical application from your study of the theories.
Research “framing” (within the context of decision making and problem solving.) How might framing affect organizations? Analyze how perceptual biases may occur. Propose a practical application from your study.


Sample Solution

Decision making models

Decision making refers to making choices among alternative courses of action, which may also include inaction. The different decision making models include: rational, intuitive, and creative. The rational decision-making model describes a series of steps that decision makers should consider if their goal is to maximize the quality of their outcomes. The intuitive decision-making model refers to arriving at decisions without conscious reasoning. In addition to the rational decision making, bounded rationality models, and intuitive decision making, creative decision making is a vital part of being an effective decision maker. Individuals and organizations are driven to be creative in decision making ranging from cutting costs to creating new ways of doing business.

wrong behaviours and personalities, according to the Cambridge Dictionary. In other words, morality sets the guideline for what people “ought to do”. (Potthast&Panza, 2010) It is not as difficult to explain the word itself since the literal definition expresses the popular opinion shared by the entire society. However, the opinions and recognition of morality vary among different people and cultures. It seems to be embedded in our lives as a normal thing, but in fact, morality is complicated and fairly difficult, not only for the society to agree on the same single idea, and also for individuals to reach full understanding. Therefore, in this research essay, I am going to discuss what morality is and how the concepts differ or even contrast in people’s eyes. In the following paragraphs, I will explain ideas of utilitarianism and deontology, which are two famous moral concepts, and how they are applied in dilemmas and real-world incidents. The discussion of morality is necessary, for people to understand both themselves in depth and how society should be in order to work harmoniously.

Two of the most popular moral theories will be discussed in this essay, and one of them is the consequential theory. The overall consequential theory focuses on the consequences of the actions. Utilitarianism, especially, on top of the outcome focuses on the utility, which is happiness, pleasure and well-being of the creatures in this world based on famous philosopher Jeremy Bentham’s theory. (Potthast&Panza, 2010) The central idea of utilitarianism is to encourage people to increase as much pleasure for most people as possible. The actions to achieve this goal could be justified by the outcome. In more proper words, “does the end justify the means?” The answer is yes in utilitarianism. Similarly, although an action might not be as noble, “if you can increase the overall happiness of the world in some way, then you should.” (Potthast&Panza, 2010) While a lot other moral theories insist on principles, principles do not quite matter in utilitarianism if it is, so to speak, for the greater good. This means all methods used for approaching the best ending could be considered. Yet utilitarianism does not mean an individual should treat making themselves happy as the priority. For example, if a person has to give up on their family to save millions, giving up on their family is moral. The person has to choose the majority, in order to create happiness for the most. In addition, the definition of “pleasure” varies from person to person as well. The enjoyment in utilitarianism includes entertainment and a lot more, such as the ability to think and judge. Overall, utilitarianism is

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