Defining Cyber Threat Intelligence.


You will create a 3- to 4-slide presentation defining Cyber Threat Intelligence. This will eventually become part of your presentation to the executive level staff mentioned in the final project section outlined on the course syllabus. To that end, make sure your presentation is relatable and comprehensible to individuals at that level.


Sample Solution

Defining Cyber Threat Intelligence

Cyber threat intelligence is what cyber threat information becomes once it has been collected, evaluated in the context of its source and reliability, and analyzed through rigorous and structured tradecraft techniques by those with substantive expertise and access to all-source information. Like all intelligence, cyber threat intelligence provides a value-add to cyber threat information, which reduces uncertainty for the consumer, while aiding the consumer in identifying threats and opportunities. It requires that analysts identify similarities and differences in vast quantities of information and detect deceptions to produce accurate, timely, and relevant intelligence. Rather than being developed in an end-to-end process, the development of intelligence is a circular process, referred to as the intelligence cycle.




Why Children Should Be Encouraged to Play Outside

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youngsters playing outdoorsAbout twenty years back, when the Internet was not all that effectively available, and day by day life was not spammed with a wide range of contraptions and electronic toys, kids used to invest considerably more energy outside. These days, be that as it may, kids want to invest free energy at home, as along these lines they can observe more TV, play XBox or Playstation, mess around on their folks’ tablets, etc. Despite the fact that this may likewise be increasingly agreeable for guardians, as they can watch and control their kid simpler when at home, for the wellbeing of a child, it is smarter to urge the person in question to play outside.

As indicated by another examination held in Australia, adolescents who are routinely occupied with moderate-to-fiery open air action will in general have better wellbeing and simpler social collaborations than their friends who like to remain at home and mess around. By and large, the distinction in time spent outside for these two gatherings was about 2.5 hours. Bamini Gopinath, a senior research individual at the college’s Westmead Millennium Institute for Medical Research, says that “Guardians ought to be aware of the way that outside physical movement is gainful to their kid’s general wellbeing and prosperity, and should attempt to restrict the time their kid spends before the screen” (HealthDay).

In fact, as it has been found that outside action doesn’t simply for the most part improve the manner in which a youngster feels; there are various explicit advantages a kid or adolescent gets from playing outside. Specifically, such youngsters fabricate more grounded bones and muscles, are progressively adaptable, and have a superior feeling of parity; such kids likewise have an increasingly solid weight and cardiovascular framework. Investing a great deal of energy outside assists adolescents with maintaining a strategic distance from or diminish pressure and feel increasingly loose, have more trust in themselves, helps confidence, and permits them to stay in contact with old companions and furthermore make new ones (Healthy Kids).

Additionally, investing energy outside causes youngsters to create abilities associated with innovativeness and development. As per Robin Moore, a specialist in the structure of playing and learning conditions, the objects of the outside award kids with boundless potential outcomes for playing, and each time a youngster ventures outside, these games change, or new ones are created. “Characteristic spaces and materials invigorate youngsters’ boundless creative mind and fill in as the mode of innovativeness and inventiveness,” says Moore (Portland Family). Inventive aptitudes that a kid creates when playing outside can support the person in question later on—for instance, when there is a need to unravel a non-standard errand, or concoct another thought.

In spite of the fact that the prevalence of contraptions and gaming comforts is helpful for guardians (since it is simpler for them to control and watch their youngsters when they are at home), for the good of children, it is better that they invest more energy outside. Playing outside not just improves a youngster’s general physical and psycho-passionate condition, however makes the person in question truly more grounded, progressively adaptable, and fearless. Playing outside emphatically influences confidence, causes a youngster to keep up a sound weight, and create social contacts. Besides, playing outside adds to the improvement of inventive reasoning and creative mind. In this manner, guardians ought to urge their kids to invest significantly more energy outside.


Holohan, Ellin. “Dynamic, Outdoor Teens are Happier Teens: Study.”HealthDay. N.p., 22 June 2012. Web. 30 July 2015.

“Get Active Each Day.” Healthy Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 July 2015.

“Why Playing Outdoors Makes Children Smarter.” Portland Family. N.p., n.d. Web.

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